Punishment And Learning Her Place

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Watching her begging made him feel a tiny bit bad, afterall he didn't intend to hurt her or any of his girls but... If they are willing to go as far as use their quirk in him after confession to escape quickly snuffed out his pity for her as all it took was one glance at the mirror to see the effect her acid had done. There, for the world to see was a large patch of his skin missing exposing bone. A nasty sting laid on the edges of flesh that dangled or barely held on making an awful pain in his right cheek. Although he would admit it made him look more creepy, he didn't want this to be permanent. Covering the wound with his hand made him wince at the burning sensation which throbbed in agony to the touch, forcing him to take his hand away due to the pain deku had lost his mercy but restrained himself. Deku: mina. His voice was cold and commanding with no emotion besides anger and dissapointment. Slowly raising her head she was horrified to see what her quirk had done to his face. Mina: (I'M FUCKED!) y-yes master? Her voice trembled while her mind screamed and clawed at her brain to run but her common sense won out deducing that if she had ran the consequences would be far worse compared to the bad situation she has found herself in currently. With a stern expression he walked slowly towards her, on mina's end she dared not move a muscle in fear of making whatever will happen nest would make it worse for her.

Deku: you'll be receiving severe punishment for this and I'll punish you in a way that you will never forget it. Hearing his words made her frozen on the spot. What did he mean by never forget it. What is he going to do. These questions only fed the fire of dread that set her mind abalze. So focused on the questions in her mind that it took her completely by surprise when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to her feet. Deku: I said. DO YOU UNDERSTAND! Not knowing what he said earlier all she could do was nod her head frantically. Slightly calming his nerves he shot his finger at the door. Deku: you are to go to the cell room and through the door at the end of the corridor. You will wait and remain kneeling until I arrive. Go. Not wanting to give him another reason to be mad, mina got up and left the room and did as he said kneeling on the cold floor with her head down in submission. It had been a full 20 minutes before he arrived and seeing what was in his hand made her wish that he didn't. In his hand was a whip. Deku: remove your top and turn around. Complying with his orders; she removed her uniform top and turned around only to have her hands raised and clipped into a pair of handcuffs.

Deku: you'll receive 25 lashes and you'll count. Failure to say in a timely manner will result in one more lash. Gulping at this she felt the first stinging slash as the whip cracked onto her back. Mina: yelping in pain she started to count 1-1. Crack! 2-2. This process repeated and by the end mina was in tears with a bleeding back from where the whip had connected. Deku picked something metallic up and moments later a gut renching scream erupted from mina as she was branded on her back. Painful seconds ticked by and when the hot iron was removed a perfect circle with a symbol of a hour glass with a skeleton hand wrapped around it settled into the skin. Releasing her wrists from the handcuffs mina fell to the floor in tears. Picking her up with her shirt he walked back to his office sitting down and placing her on his lap. Grabbing something from his draw mina felt something wrapped around her neck. Allowing herself to look she could see a black collar around her neck connected to a chain. Deku: from now on you'll be by my side so I can keep an eye on you. Engulthed by pain she clung to him to try ignore the pain, letting tears swell in her eyes she couldn't contain the tears that flowed freely. Deku: you won't hurt or try run away again, right?

Feeling powerless mina had lost her resolve to flee, partly out of fear but mostly at the futility of escaping to her mind now. Mina: (what's the point in running, if he doesn't catch me and bring me back no doubt izumi wouldn't, I'm nothing more than his plaything) no.. Master. Letting her head fall, he ran his fingers through her hair enjoying the softness of it. Deku; mina, don't do this again, I don't like the prospect of hurting any of you but I will if it's necessary. Do you understand what I'm telling you? With a quiet voice mina responded. Mina:. yes master. Resting back into his chair, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. It was true what he had told her. He didn't wish to hurt her but this was an unavoidable thing that had to be done, otherwise how was she to learn. Tilting her head to the side to look at her pain filled eyes a sickening feeling twisted in his heart. In one sense he enjoyed the pain and fear that she held him with but at the same time he didn't enjoy it giving him a very controversial view on what to make of this expression. Writing it in his book as a come back later thought he closed his book, resuming his attention back to mina he unexpectedly kissed her. Taken aback by this mina jolted up but soon after melted into the kiss. The roughness and passion behind it made her feel weird. In one sense she was disgusted that he would be so bold to kiss her after what he had done however, she also seemed to enjoy it. The raw passion and power behind it caught her in a swirling pool of emotion.

Slowly wrapping her arms around his neck the kiss was deepened with deku grabbing the back of her head and pushing her forward to bring her as close as possible. Soon both found themselves wrestling their tougne for dominance deku coming on top before they seperate leaving a string of saliva still connecting the two as they panted heavily. Smirking at her, he proceeded to pull her into another kiss. This time both never hesitated enjoying the feeling of each others lips and hold. Within a few seconds the kiss parted again leaving both in a state of hazyness on how to think.

(authors notes: right I'm leaving it off on a cliffhanger here I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I thank everyone for the support. I will be seeing you all soon catch you later everyone and have a good day)

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