Damaged Mind's & Planned Attack

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The day was tense to say the very least with the death and capture of so many hero's lately it had emboldened lesser villians to strike out thankfully for the public the remaining pro hero's have had a break to reconsolidate their forces from the recent abrupt end to the killings, it was slow but over the past 2 months they had at least got to stable levels of hero's to help again in protecting the people once again. However, unbeknownst to all but a certain someone this was merely the calm before the storm that would break the spine of the hero organisation in such a way nobody would think possible and he had the perfect bait for this. While the hero's tried to maintain order the league was having their own plans in the making predictibly though it was following a set path of plans he had made. A dangerous glare would shine from his green eyes while sitting at his desk grinning as the plan took affect. Deku: "as one power falls, another will rise" knocking over the white king chess piece he'd hear the door open making his grin leave and the intense glare previously written on his face returned to a normal look.

Ever so slightly glancing at the reflection of the screen his mood became a bit crazied and excited seeing it was the trembling mess of shoka her eyes were wide and her body was shaking like a leaf upon spotting the familiar outline of deku the very sight of him made the nightmares feel all the more real to shokas paranoid shattered mind. Quickening her breath fear came over her seeing him turn around with an amused expression. With eyes locked on her just as a vulture would do to a carcus everything came crashing down inside her head of the past expierences the cruel brutality of the bike actions commuted against her by his hand alongside the notion that any moment he could snap and drag her off to the cell to beat and torture her to his hearts content. Leaning back in his chair he had one word for her. Deku: "come" with a firm tone of voice he eyed her up taking sastifaction in the miserable wreck she has become due to him only making the revenge against her sweeter as now the roles had been reversed.

The slow steps of shoka echoed in the room as she walked closer the trembling became violent her heart was pounding feeling like it would burst from her chest, her breathing hiched in fear and even a few tear trickled down as her limping body made it's way over to him her left leg permanently damaged so she wouldn't be able to run. Tripping on the stairs she'd wince in pain having to crawl due to difficulties getting up. This was so humiliating for her but she would eventually reach him. Resorting to resting on her knees she  secretary started praying that he wouldn't hurt her. Deku: "shoka shoka shoka there you are. I have a need for you and plan to make good use of you if you don't cooperate with this plan you can.. Hm what's the word for it. Say goodbye to your head" an audible loud gulp would emit from the terrified girl as she shakily looked up at her master.

Shoka: "a-and what would t-that plan b-be master" her voice was like a door mouse quiet and squeeky no matter how much her mind screamed at her to do something common sense remained in control as she knew to disobey or do anything stupid would lead to a fate worse then death thing were already bad she would try not to think what other twisted ideas he could come up with if she were to resist. As if already knowing what she was thinking he'd let out a slow sadistic giggle. Deku: "oh you wouldn't want to know slave that's all I'll say but as for what I need you for. You'll be my bait to lure in heroines. And if you be a good girl and help me pull it off maybe. Just maybe I'll let you come out your little box cell for a few hours instead of 30 minutes now doesn't that sound like a treat?" the prospect wasn't even sickening at this point to her she was desperate to just have something not torture or humiliation based or for the nightmares to just stop she had izumi always wanting her dead too only feeding her paranoia. Not having much of a choice she would slowly nod.

A deep glare would greet her answer. Upon noticing she tried to get away but it was hopeless. Getting up from his chair deku slowly walked towards her and kick her side his heel coming down on her fractured leg and slowly dug his foot in the sound of muscle and bone cracking rang out followed by the delightful screams which was music to his ears. Deku: "how many times have I got to tell you! Always" he would kick her hard and grab her collar beating her with his fist. "SPEAK PROPERLY YOU USELESS BITCH! HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO I HAVE TO REMIND YOU?!" the anger of his past came into full view as he saw red of when he used to be the one being beaten and begging for mercy on the floor blood splattering everywhere as his beating broke her nose and gave her a black eye. Practically abusing her to an inch of life he dropped her on the floor in a broken mess of blood, damaged bones and bruises. In frustration he facepalms before calling his sister. Deku: "Izumi get this pathetic excuse out of my site to her box, have pony fix her up this makes it more convincing. Smirking izumi would walk over and grab shoka dragging her away for her own fun in torture.

While that took place deku looked out to his batch of experemental nomus the gatling gun armed and the melee based ones already ready for deployment. Right now he currently had about 25 at his desposal and that's all he needs to sow carnage in hosu and capture his next victim to add to his growing collection for his harem but unlike shoka he'd take good care of them as he didn't want this one spoiled. Walking out he decided now was a good time to deal with AFO. While making his way to the next destination along the way his thoughts returned to remembering  between his abusive past and all the things that had happened to him, the meeting with that entity, what he'd been doing and how his old dreams and aspirations poured fuel onto the roaring fire in his heart. Deku: "despite these nomus being a lot better they still need a leader. Someone just as strong, obedient and useful to my cause the question is who" scanning through police records for anything he would abruptly stop after coming across a certain file. Reading through the file a small sharp grin would cross his face.

Chuckling to himself he looked at dabi who was passing through. Leaking against the wall he waited until she passed then made his move. Deku: "Dabi.." the fire scarred woman stopped and turned to face him having a look of 'yes?' though inside the villainess still was on the cautious side with him considering his unpredictable nature keeping a meter distance to the green haired man. Walking forwards he made his way over to her and handed her the police report he was reading not too long ago. Deku: "this man, muscular he's the second man i know of to have a quirk bring him to me I want to make an offer. Complete this for me and you'll be rewarded... Fail however, and you'll learn a lesson" without another word he walked past her patting their shoulder as he did so. A mixture of concern but also annoyance flowed in her mind but she already knew what he was capable of and sighed in defeat knowing she had no choice and read the file.

(hey everyone been a long while since I updated this sorry, writers block is a pain in the ass hope you enjoyed and let me know which harem member do you think deku was referring to)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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