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"Wow." Valerie and I beamed in unison.

The Christmas fair looked so magnificent and dazzling. Valerie and I didn't think that it was this good. The signboard at the entry gate read, "SANTA & THE SNOWLAND" cut out of cardboard and written in silver glitter with white glittery cotton balls hanging from the edge of every letter.

As we stood right in front of the gate, there were miniature snowmen on either side of the gate made of white coloured cotton , various small Christmas trees decorated with string lights, cute bells and gift box showpieces. Every tree had a small message attached on its top that read "We wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR".

We took out our phones and clicked various pictures of the entry gate, each other and a few selfies. I made a short video of the decoration and immediately sent it to Daniel. Well he has a thing for beautiful event decorations, maybe because he is an 'amazing' photographer. I am saying this as a very proud sister that there isn't a single photograph clicked by Daniel that doesn't speak about itself. He knows how to bring life to something as still and silent as a photograph.

We entered the fair totally amazed by the aura and the atmosphere inherent in there. The sun shone its faint glow accompanied by cool breeze that was blowing mildly with aromas of Christmas in it. There were a plethora of string lights hanging from here and there along with bells, socks, gift boxes, stars, balls and stuff. In the right hand corner, there was a long table having different dishes, snacks and drinks arranged on it. From my favourite plum cake to glasses of egg nog and platters of chocolate chip cookies. I also saw various mocktails placed together.

The moment my eyes landed on the food table, I heard my stomach groan like a hungry lioness. Well, I hadn't eaten anything since morning. I dragged Valerie towards the food table and grabbed a handful of chocolate chip cookies from the platter, stuffing them in my mouth as much as I could. Valerie took a piece of the delicious plum cake and savoured in its taste. We grabbed a glass of egg nog and turned around to take in the rest of the fair.

Valerie and I were delighted to have come to such a strikingly beautiful Christmas celebration. And no one could say that Christmas was still 13 days away. Everything felt like 25th December.

"There's Alex. I'll be back." Valerie said spotting douchey at a distance hanging out with his minions.

Witnessing her excitement at seeing Alex, I really don't think her little fling last night is just a fling. The way her eyes lit up, I know that look. I have the same look when I look at a certain someone from this very place.

She raced towards him and when he saw her approaching, he walked away from his minions to meet her halfway. They hugged each other and were talking when Alex waved at me with a wink while Valerie nudged him. I fake smiled and waved back. I don't like him, not even if he is Derek's step brother.

DEREK................ Hmmmmm........... It's been so long since we saw each other. I miss his beautiful face and the sound of his husky voice. Ever since the night we got drunk and he dropped me off to the dorm, we have texted a few times but there was no phone call involved. Well he didn't call and I wasn't sure if I should've called or not.

I scanned the crowd hoping to find a brooding guy wearing black leather jacket with a sour expression plastered on his angelic face. But I didn't see anyone like that. 'There is no one like him' my subconscious beamed with pride. I smiled gently shaking my head when someone stood next to me and the fragrance of forest and musk showered in the air.

"Looking for someone???" he said and I turned my head to the right watching the brooding angel faced guy smiling softly at me.

I couldn't believe the chances. I was just thinking about him and here he is, standing next to me in all his charming beauty.

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