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The party was lit and on a full swing. Everyone was enjoying so much. People were eating, talking, dancing and had permanent smiles plastered on their faces. I was overjoyed since this was my first party ever since the one I attended last year in New York. I was high on food especially the chicken wings. AH!!! they were delicious.

Liam and I were mostly hanging out around the food counters because we are real eaters. Also, he didn't let me out of his sight as according to him and I quote, "College parties are at a high risk of harassment of female students. So you are not leaving my side okay." He also saw douchy Alex and his minions hanging out near the bar. Liam's been really protective of me ever since that afternoon in CAFE ITALIO. So great to have Daniel 2.0 here in college.

"Party's great. You were right. I would have been stupid to miss it." Liam smiled at me.

"See I told you. Didn't I??" I pumped my fist in the air feeling victorious.

"Yeah you did. How are you so right about things??" he questioned me coming a little closer due to the mind blasting music that echoed in the hall.

"Gut feeling....you know." I beamed at him.

"So what does your gut say about Mr. Broody??" he winked at me.

"Mr. Broody?? Is that what you call him??" I let out a laugh and hit him playfully in the arm.

He nodded his head and said, "That's appropriate for him."

"Well my gut feeling is positive about him as of now. You know I really like him." My gaze fell as I started talking about Derek. It has been happening for a while now. Whenever I talk about him, I start looking at my feet or the floor. I think I actually feel shy.

"He makes my heart beat faster everytime I see him and his eyes..... Gosh!!! Have you seen his eyes up close?? They are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my life. I think they are forest green but you know sometimes they appear grey." I said calmly and way too slowly, feeling every syllable, every letter, every vowel and every consonant that I used to describe the effect Derek has on me.

I was grinning ear to ear when I noticed a vague and funny expression on my best friend's face. It looked like he was trying really hard to control his laughter.

"What???" I questioned nervously, my cheeks and ear heated up as he burst out in fits of laughter.

"You are the cheesiest and the most romantic person I've ever met. I am gonna ask you to write all my love letters if I ever fall for someone." he chuckled at me.

"Why would you say that??" I enquired with several frown lines taking room on my forehead.

"The colour of his eyes, heart beating faster and stuff. Next time you'll say butterflies danced in your belly when he talked to you." he said with utter playful annoyance.

"Maybe I will." I said shyly.

"Hey look, all this crush crap is fine, but don't get too involved. For all I know the guy is trouble. I spend a lot more time with him than you do. So take it from me and stay away from him." Liam warned me.

I know Liam is concerned for me but I am old enough to differentiate between good and bad. I know the consequences of choosing something that is bad. I will not do that I know. And in Derek's case, I am more than sure that he is good. I don't know why on earth I am so sure about the goodness in him. But I just am. And in my mom's words, "WHEN YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW."

"Atleast he's not douchy like Alex." I said and Liam's expression changed from playful and happy to nervous and pissing in his pants in just one second.

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