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"Liam you have to come. If you don't go, I also won't go. And you know how much I want to go." I pouted in front of Liam in order to convince him to come with me to the Freshers' Party tonight.

College authorities are throwing an amazing Freshers' Party for the first year students tonight. I have heard from some of my classmates that the parties in this college are always very bright and lit and hot and happening loaded with hot seniors (which made me wonder if Derek would be there), free booze, a big dance floor with great music, delicious food, and the best thing is we don't have to wrap up the party before midnight. It can go on as much as we want. Now that is what I call a happening freshers' night.

"But I have practice till late evening. And just so you remember, I have a big game in two days. I can't blow it for a stupid party." Liam was firm in his decision, but I wasn't ready to give up yet.

"Liam please, I am begging you. I bought a hot dress for this party. I can't not go. You have to come with me." I pleaded him folding my hands like in a prayer and made a crying face.

"NO. Infact I know why you are so hell bent on going." he smirked at me. 'Oh for the love of God, why is he smirking. It reminds me of Derek.' I thought.

"And why is that??" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"You wanna see Derek again. Don't you??" he teased me. Although it was partially true but I didn't let my expression falter.

"Are you crazy??" I scoffed. "Why will I go to a party just to see Derek?? That will be too much stalker like. And besides, if I wanted to see him, I'll just accompany you to your practice. Easy much." I said trying my level best to match the utter confidence on my face and in my voice.

Liam was debating what to say to me. He looked conflicted. So I took matter in my hands yet again and explained to him why this party was so important for us to attend.

"Look Liam, this is gonna be our first and last freshers' party together. We won't get another. Consider it like a rite of passage in our college life. It is equally important just like graduating med school and becoming a good doctor. I want you to come with me because I want to cherish this night forever. You are my best friend. I want to do this with you. So please, come with me." I said softly and by the look on his face I got a feeling that he will come to the party.

Although, he took a few seconds to think, I knew he would agree.

"I hate you for making me do this." he said and glared at me playfully.

"Yaayyy. Thankyou thankyou thankyou. You're gonna love it. I promise." I beamed at him.

"Hope so. Now let's get to class." he said and dragged me by the hand in the direction of the classroom.


It was 6:00 p.m. when I called Liam to know his whereabouts. 'He must be at practice' I thought. I wasn't sure if he will pick up my call. But I was actually surprised when he picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hey, what's up??" he said breathing heavily.

"Hey. Just wanted to check if you're still coming." he didn't say anything so I had to ask again. "So you coming??" I asked nervously.

"Yeah yeah. Will you let me live if I don't show up at the stupid party??" he said chuckling. I heard another chuckle from his end which made me realize that he was not alone. I wondered who he is with.

"Haa!! Not at all. Well, I think you're at practice so I'll see you at the party." I said.

"Well practice is over. Everyone is very eager to go to the party. Infact we are heading back to the dorm now." he said in a normal breath.

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