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Derek carried me in his arms all the way back to the dorm. I was constantly in and out of consciousness but I knew I was in his arms, completely safe. A million thoughts were crossing my mind - 'why was he helping me??' , 'why didn't he send me with Liam??' , 'what if he considers me a drunk??'.... OH GOSH!!!! I have embarassed myself in front of Derek. This is bad on so many levels. I mentally slapped myself thrice.

My head was rested in the comfort of his hard chest (which also encloses his beautiful heart) and my hands were wrapped around his neck. I could hear the beating of his heart and as I remember it sounded like music. Okay okay.... I know I am being unreasonable and stupid. HEHEHE!!!!!

My eyes were half open and I could see him glance at me every few seconds. Other than that, his eyes were set on the path that led us back to the dormitory.

In a few minutes, we reached the dorm building and Derek peeped inside to check for the warden. Luckily, nobody was around. The building was as silent and creepy as in a horror movie. So he entered the building still carrying me and proceeded towards my room. When we reached my room, he looked at me and spoke.

"Can you stand for a second?? I have to unlock the door." he asked me in a mere whisper to which I nodded dreamily.

"Good." he said and made me stand with the support of the wall. He still held me with one hand and with the other took out my room key from his jacket pocket which I wondered how he got it. He read my wondrous expression and replied. "Liam gave me the key and your cell. You'll get your purse tomorrow." he said unlocking the door, pushing it wide open.

He held me by my shoulders and helped me inside. After making me sit on the bed, he turned around and went to lock the door. Hearing the click of the bolt, my heartbeat accelerated and my cheeks and ears caught fire. The thought of being alone with Derek and his beauty in a room was making me crazy even when I was not sober enough. Maybe I was thinking like that because I wasn't sober enough. UGHHH!! I hate myself so much. I just hope I don't embarass myself any further.

Thinking these thoughts, I looked over at Derek who was busy typing something in his phone.

"Who are you texting??" I asked him in a hushed tone.

"Liam. How are you feeling??" he asked me in such concern. Although, his face didn't give away any such expression.

I wondered why sometimes he was so closed-off. 'What is he hiding behind that beautiful face?? What's his story??', I thought.

"My head is exploding. And I....don't....feel....good." I said holding my head in my hands, not able to speak properly.

"Come on, you need to lie down." he said and in a flash crouched down in front of me unbuckling the straps of my heels and placing them under the bed. He helped me lie down on the bed and pulled the covers over me.

Derek sat next to me on the edge of the bed, looking at me intently. And I was looking at him. The room was dimly lit only by the bedside lamp. Cool breeze creeped its way inside through the open window making me shiver a little. Derek noticed it and quickly adjusted the covers on me.

It was getting awkward, all that silence between us, the long dreamy stares, dim lighting and the cool breeze. I averted my gaze and stared at the ceiling. My thoughts took me to the party when Liam and I were drinking. I was thinking about how one drink rendered me incapable of taking care of myself. How could I be drunk by just, one, cosmopolitan. I have partied a lot in New York and this never happened.

Something is wrong and I need to find out.

"I didn't drink much. Only one. Why am I feeling this way??" I asked Derek, my voice barely audible and my throat was itchy.

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