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I stood there right in front of him like a dumb person, mouth gaped and eyes wide open as I appreciated the beautiful sight of him. A hint of happiness could be seen in my big brown eyes. I couldn't believe that he was really there, staring right into my eyes.

"Derek" I said, my mouth working automatically.

"Miss Safety Police. What a pleasant surprise??" he smirked. 'Oh my, his smirk.' I thought.

I chuckled hearing the nickname he gave me and recalled our last conversation - which was also our first conversation - where I had told him to walk me to my dorm for my safety.

"Is that how you remember me??" I asked smiling.

"Well....you didn't tell me your name. So." he replied, standing straight and hands shoved in the pocket of the black leather jacket he was wearing. Did I mention how sexy he looked in that leather jacket??

"You never asked." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Okay.... my fault. So, what is Miss Safety Police really known as??" he smirked again. 'Is he trying to kill me with his killer smirk. Probably yes.' I thought.

"She is known as Amarra Wilson." I said proudly. I have always taken a lot of pride in who I am.

"Okay. So tell me Miss Wilson, are you following me?? You always tend to bump into me." he asked in a playful tone.

"Okay.... not always. This is only the second time. And why on earth will I follow you?? This is a mall. Anybody can come here." I said playfully.

"Are you keeping a count on the number of times you meet me??" he asked teasing me. 'Oh crap. I shouldn't have said that. And is he flirting with me?? If yes, should I flirt back?? Oh what do I do??' I thought to myself.

But before I could answer, an alarm went off in the building and everybody started freaking out and running in multiple directions, mostly towards the exit gate. I heard somebody say that a shop caught fire and the building had to be evacuated immediately to avoid any casualties. I looked around myself, it was chaos and people bumping into each other, frantically running towards the exit gate.

Just when I thought I had to get out of there, Derek caught hold of my hand and rushed me out of the main entrance. Good thing we were still out of the mall. It only took us a minute or two to get past the chaotic crowd and make ourselves comfortable on the sidewalk on the road opposite to the mall. We were watching as people were running out of the mall to save themselves.

Derek was still holding my hand firmly. On the other hand, I was breathing heavily and my face was panic-stricken.

Ever since the night of the accident of my parents, I have always found myself panicking in such chaotic situations. I vividly remember that night - how I was in the backseat talking to Daniel on phone and my parents were in the front and suddenly a truck came out of nowhere from the wrong side and slammed into our car. The front of the car was crushed and I barely made out alive as the backdoor broke open due the pressure exerted due to the slamming and I was thrown out. I got some serious bruises and a mild concussion. And by the time I gained my senses, I could hear people gathering around the car to see if anyone was alive. I saw the paramedics making their way to the car and carrying my parents' body on the stretcher. They took me to the ambulance as tears rolled down my cheeks. I knew in that moment that my parents' didn't make it. They were gone. And now it will only be Daniel and I. It was my fault that they died as much as it was the truck's. I was only 18 years old when this horrible night changed me and my life, forever.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize I was shaking and Derek was holding me by my shoulders trying to break my trance.

"Hey Amarra..... are you listening to me?? What happened?? Hey.. hey..." he sounded worried but I couldn't respond even when I wanted to. It's like my whole body was living the horrors of that night and I wasn't here. He then jerked me a little harshly and I came back to earth.

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