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~ Amarra's P.O.V. ~

We were standing right outside the ICU room in which Liam was settled in. I could see Liam sleeping on the uncomfortable bed. There were several cuts and bruises on his face. Some will heal with time but some will leave the mark forever. His beautiful spotless baby face will be replaced with a scarred one. My heart ached at the thought.

Multiple tubes were attached to his body and several machines were beeping at regular intervals in the room. Liam was intubated and his left hand was in a cast.

It is a miracle that he survived. And Dr. Bradley's efforts as well. I am so thankful to him.

Valerie was squeezing my hand every now and then ever since Dr. Bradley and Dr. Wesley told us all the minor information regarding Liam's recovery.

"He is okay. We stopped the internal bleeding and the broken ribs will recover with time and proper rest. His hand will be fine too in a few weeks- " And then Dr. Bradley had stopped abruptly as if he was dreading to say the dreadful. Well, Dr. Bradley is also our Professor in Trauma Management and it is quite sad to say but Liam is his favourite student because of his quick thinking skills and speed. It must have been hard on Dr. Bradley to operate on Liam.

Dr. Wesley understood his hesitation and cleared his throat attracting our attention.

"Since Liam was unconscious when he was brought here, we don't know how much damage he has taken to his head. We couldn't find anything on the CT so we have to wait until he's awake to see if there are any neurological deficits." Dr. Wesley, who is the head of Neuro in our college, said blatantly. Well, people say he is just too professional in his work. But he is a Neuro God.

"Other than that, he is okay." Dr. Bradley said with a small smile that didn't reach his eyes.

And we knew in that moment that if Liam wakes up anything other than himself, our lives will never be the same again.

It has been two hours since Liam was moved to the ICU but there was no sign of him waking up. Valerie and I were asked to wait outside the ICU main gate as no attendant is allowed inside the unit for more than 15 minutes and we will be called once he wakes up.

The waiting room was full of students from the campus. Some were Liam's friends from class, his roommate Scout, Derek, Alex, his minions and the entire basketball team alongwith Valerie and me were present, waiting for our rockstar to wake up.

I was losing my sanity and patience and was unknowingly rubbing my fingers together. It was a good distraction. But then my hands started to burn due to the constant pressure so I had to stop.

Valerie was dozing off on the seat next to me. She was very tired and exhausted. She has been here since 5 a.m. and it is 6 p.m. now. Thirteen hours. She hasn't left the hospital since.

6 p.m. reminded me of something else too. I glanced at the watch again and glanced at Derek who was already staring at me intensely. He blinked with his eyes once and smiled the not-so-noticeable smile and I understood that he understood why I was looking at my watch and at him.

I shook my head and averted my gaze from him only to land on Alex. Alex freaking Anderson, who met my gaze and again I was transported back a few hours ago when his closeness felt reposeful. And I can never forget those ocean blue serene eyes that screamed calmness.

'Why did I feel that way??' I questioned my subconscious. 'What is wrong with me??' I asked in confusion.

And why wouldn't I be confused. I have despised Alex ever since I first saw him. And he gave me several reasons to do so. And now, he is being completely different. Likeable. And I don't know how to act around him.

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