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Five Hours Later-Mr. Allen's Class-SarahPOV

Alexandria waits for me by the door, a genuine and pleasant smile on her face. Because of that smile, I don't want to let her down or disappoint her.

Once I put my papers away, I grab my books and jacket before walking to the door. When I get there, she puts her left arm around me to where her left hand is on my left shoulder.

Whew, that was a close one.

She guides me through the school to her metal cabinet before letting go of me, allowing me to shift my books around in my arms.

"I only suggested you bring someone because you don't know me very well, I thought it might make you feel more comfortable with me." Alexandria states kindly

"I appreciate it, i'll go call em." I nod

I step back and look to the floor as I tap my earpiece, and try to reach somebody.

"Is anyone there?" I asked quietly

"Hey Little Rogers, you ready to leave school?" Natalia's voice rings through the small audible

"Not exactly i've been invited to go dress shopping for an occasion. She told me I could invite someone, but I just don't want to go without one of you." I answer

"You want me to go?"

"Sure, i'll take anyone at this point." I sigh

"Where are we meeting?"

"Alexandria, what place are we meeting my person?" I asked the classmate of mine

"J.C. Penney in..Queens." she thinks out

"You hear what she said?" I ask Natalia

"Yeah, i'll be there before you get there..I might even bring another person along." I hear the smirk in her tone

"Thank you."

"Anytime." Natalia expresses in a happy tone

I tap my earpiece and turn back to Alexandria to see her putting her bag on her back where most kids keep theirs here.

"You ready?" she asks

"As I can be." I fake smile back

She gestures to the front of the school, giving me the suggestion for us to leave. We walk down the hallway, being stared at by groups of students as we make our way to leave. Even that Sabrina girl drops her jaw as we walk, but the way she gives us a look is one of offense.

I shake it off and follow my classmate out of the school, anxious as to all that could go wrong. She walks us down the sidewalk, the way we're going says she's bringing us to a bus somewhere.

Once we get to the city, she reaches for my hand and guides me down to a subway. When she spits the one she wants us to take, she brings me onto the platform and we wait for the doors to open.

She could be kidnapping me..and I wouldn't realize it.

"This is the fastest way to Queens, the streets take too long." Alexandria explains

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