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June 12 2016-Winter Patriot Suit-Sarah's POV

"So where's this kid live, again?" I ask as I watch Tony from my front left

"Tennessee, ever been?"

"Not from what I can remember, how'd you end up there?"

"I never said I did, but Jarvis gave out once and he took me here because we had a flight plan set out for the next day-it's a long story." I hear him through the comm

"I can tell."

"Alright, drop down in..three..two..one."

We slow our thrusters, quietly landing in the front yard of a warm looking home.

"Is he expecting us?" I ask as we flip our helmet masks open and walk to the door

"Nope." he admits as he knocks on the wood

The door is opened by a boy only five inches or so shorter than me, giving me a sign he might be near Ned and Peter's age.

"Mechanic?" he asks with hope filling his eyes

"Hey, Kid." my Godbrother greets

"Wh-wha-why are you here?" he asks as he pulls the door farther open

"Harley, who's at the door?"

"A friend." he responds to the woman's call

"Okay, but be safe."

"What's in your hand?" the child asks as he looks at Tony's grasp

Tony adjusts his grip on the metal briefcase, loosening his hand on it until he peeks over at me.

"My dad never really let me have anything he built until he passed, I didn't want to continue that cycle when I could stop it right here." my cousin expresses as he holds out the case

"Is it the Mark forty-two?" the boy asks

"No, that little guy got blown to shreds over a barge a few days after I met you."

"Was it my fault?"

"Yes." Tony states shortly

"Wait, how'd you two meet?" I realize

"He broke into my house." the boy addresses me

"You broke into a child's house?" I ask with disappointment clear in my tone as I raise my eyebrows

"Wow, I've never seen you act so much like your mother. Yeah, I broke into his-well, it was his garage." Walter states in an off-guard tone

"Why would you break into his garage?"

"You think I tried to? And I told you the story on the way here."

"Yeah, but I didn't think you met you breaking in, I thought it was from accidentally tripping over him somewhere."

"You thought that?" the kid asks me

"Well, the only description of you I was given was that you were small and he thought your personality complimented his."

"I'll ignore the compliment part, but why would you think he would trip over me?"

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