You/Mayuko Nise - Reunion Part 4

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(High-Rise Invasion)

(High-Rise Invasion)

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Sniper Mask asks Kuon as she glares at him.

"You can't just leave her there. We need to bring her back."

"Kuon, there's no way that we can get her. She's splattered all across the sidewalk. You can take a look if you want."

"You said if we want to build an alliance with them, I'm going to have to prove myself to them. This is what I can do."

"We'll die if we attempt to go down. I'd rather not partner up if it means we lose."

Kuon turns around and heads to the edge of the building to see where you had fallen. The only way to reach you would involve cutting down the bridge and climbing it down.

"If you're not going to help me then I can do it alone."

Sniper Mask follows after her, attempting to get her to change her mind but she wasn't budging. They get to the building that you had fallen from and Kuon was still insisting to retrieve your body.

"Fine. I'll go down there. Just don't go anywhere."

Kuon gives him a smile and nods.

"Be careful."


With two precise shots, Sniper Mask manages to cut down the bridge from the other side. The bridge falls and its become a ladder. He straps his rifle to his back and climbs down the ladder.

At the bottom, he finds you and the other angel unmasked. The mask is on your side, glowing. He figured since you were already dead, he could cover your face to save Kuon from seeing what had happened to you. He grabs it and puts it over your face. A second passes and your body jerks involuntary. He freaks out and drops you.

"Hell. You can't seriously be alive. I shot you."

He's about to kick you but you stop his foot with your hand. There was no way you were alive. The mask must be controlling your body with a series of shocks to your body. If you were alive, you would be screaming from the pain you would be in. You had broken bones and large gashes across your body. Stepping back, he grabs his rifle and gets ready to shoot you. When he looks into his scoop, your body is gone.


After hearing the shot, your world faded into black. There was no after life, no golden gates or a pit of fire. There was just nothing.

"You've been given a second chance."

A voice tells you after so long.

"A second chance? What are you talking about?"

"Don't screw it up."

The dark is replaced by the sky when you open your eyes.


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