Chapter 46 Second Round

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Sorry I haven't update in a few weeks :( 

expect a hetalia anfiction to comeout real soon! :)

anyway if you guys like hetalia be sure to check it out!

its going to be out SOON not now SOON, probably within a month.


Kira's Pov

Rin's words echoed throughout the room, her voice sounding different, like two people were speaking at once. She covered her mouth in surprise, just as the two chunnin holding me up, dropped me in shock. 

Alice looked at her with wide eyes as my mouth flew open. Everyone stared at her. Her hands stayed at her mouth and she looked pleadingly at Alice.

Alice got the message and stared Ibiki straight in the eye,"Ninjas should be able to tell when people are lying, right?"

Ibiki nodded,"Thats right." He looked carefully between us three. He stared at me,"You! What's your name?"

"Uh, Lenng Kira..." I said. He shuffled through some papers on his desk then looked at me pointedly. He looked down at his papers again, before saying,"Come here."

I swallowed and walked slowly to the desk sending confused and scared looks at Alice and Rin. Alice shrugged and gave me a weak smile. Rin gave me a thumbs up, one hand still covering her mouth. 

I arrived at his desk, just realizing how tall he was. God damn, why is everyhting so intimidating here? Why the heck do we have to shrink?

He held out a pen and gave me a piece of blank paper, then he pointed to one of the test problems that I did,"Show me how you did that."

I nodded and drew the model of the ninja, represented by a triangle, and his line of sight. I drew the bush that was out of its line of sight by two feet at one of its endpoints, at the other it just met the ninja's line of sight. The bush was 4 feet long. I was suppose to find the ninja's line of sight. I then set up the problem. I began to solve it.

(2+b)(2+b)= (4x4) + (bxb)

4+4b+ (bxb)= 16 + (bxb)

4+ 4b = 16

4b = 12

b = 3

3 feet

He stared at my work for a long time, looking confused a little. Did I do it wrong? I was kind of worried, this was just basic geometry, Rin could do it.  I might have made a careless mistake somewhere though.

Ibiki stared at the paper, as if what I had written was foreign to him. No... Did I do it wrong? I could have sworn my method was right!

"You can sit down." 

I breathed a sigh of relief and sat down. Rin and Alice sat down to. But there always has to be that one idiot.

"Hey! Thats not fair! You gave them a chance!" Shouted a brown haired boy that looked like a douchebag. Okay, maybe he looked like one because he said that, but that makes him one so, still.

Ibiki looked at the boy,"She did number six in less than a minute, correctly. You'll get a second chance if you can do that.

The doucheba- I mean boy looked at number six on his paper, sat back down, and stayed silent for the rest of the time. Serves him right. 

The rest went on without a hitch, you know, the "tenth question" and all that crap. Yup. Normal stuff. 

A little whiles later when we were at the Forest of Death, I talked to Alice and Rin.

"Alice, how many questions you answered on your test?" 

Alice grinned,"Heheh, I cheated!"

I shook my head and smiled," How come I was blamed for cheating, when I did not, but you weren't caught?"

Alice started dancing around,"'Cause I have mad ninja skills!"

I rolled my eyes before glancing at Rin,"You?"

She started laughing,"I didn't answer any, I was just drawing on the back."

I facepalmed, of course, how could I expect different?

"Oh and, you know that voice thing?" She began. Alice and I faced her, our attention focused on her. 

"Yeah, what was that?" Alice asked. 

Rin sighed,"So it wasn't just me..." She was holding her lock in her hands, she sat on a rock nearby. We were currently waiting for the second rond to start. We were at the gates already.

"Well, do you know what it was?" I asked nervously. I hoped what she was going to say, isn't what I think she's going to say. Don't think I'm stupid, I've noticed the little things. I've been getting hungrier lately.

"I..." Rin trailed off looking at her lock. Unexpectedly, she looked at me, straight in the eyes. That was one of the things about her, she always looked you straight in the eyes. "You have been noticing too, right Kira?"

A familiar rush of dryness blew through my body, starting from my mouth to the tips of my toes. My throat started to feel crackily. I quickly took some of my pills, before nodding at her.

"What?" Alice said. Of course, she didn't have a seal, she couldn't notice, we haven't told her yet.

"Right now, and the way my cat ears came out before..." Rin started. 

"The seal is weakening, fast." I continued for her. I watched Alice's face pale and her eyes darted between me and Rin.


Rin nodded than stared up at Alice,"I noticed, but didn't want to tell you, I wasn't sure. But I am almost sure now."

"What are we going to do?" Alice asked just as the gate for us to go into the forest opened.

Rin grinned and stood up looking at the both of us from the corner of her eye,"Hope for the best."


Fun fact!

It was my birthday yesterday. (Feb 5) 

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