Chapter 5

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hey guys! finally made a proper pic of RIn!!! (its to the side)

it took so longggggg -___-

oh well im happy the way it turned out! ^___^

...even if it does suck....


....i prob cant but it really sucks....



^I think i just told my self to die :\




Rin's Pov

"TEST TOOOODAYYYYYYYY~" I sang as we walked to school. Thats right, I actually woke up on time!

"How can you be so hyper in he morning, Caitlin?" Jesica grumbled plugging her ears.

"HOW CAN I NOT BE?! WE ARE GONNA BE NINJA TODAY!!!!!" I yelled before jumping up and down.

"If we pass." Inputted Alice.

I waved her off,"Pshhhh, we're soooooo gonna passssss." Then I thought. "HOLY BAMBOO SHOOTS! WHAT IF I DON'T PASSS?!"

Alice started laughing and Jessica sweatdropped,"Thats what you get for not studying."

I started anime crying,"I NEVER study! I always wing it!!!!!!!!"

Alice continued laughing while Jessica facepalmed,"This is different than school!"

I stopped than put a bored expression on,"Eh, whatever.... Things will work out anyway."

Jessica rose an eyebrow at my emotion rapidly changing while Alice elbowed me,"Look! Its Naruto!"

My bored expression completely faded as a smile replaced it. I ran to him who was walking to the Academy.

I pushed him over and yelled,"HAI THERE! :)"

He stared at me,"Rin-chan?"

He then got up as I complained,"Hey thats not fair you never told me our name!!!!" Even though I did know his name, he nevertold me so If I suddenly knew his name I'd seem like a stalker or something....

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto! I'm gonna be Hokage, dattebayo!" He grinnned and I grinned back.

THen I grabbed Alice and Jessica and threw them at him whilst saying,"JESSICA, ALICE, MEET NARUTO!!!! NARUTO, MEET JESSICA AND ALICE!!!!!"

Jessica playfully glared at me before saying,"Hey," to Naruto.

Alice nodded and smiled,"Hi Naruto!!!"

Naruto grinned back at them,"HIYA!"

All 4 of us entered the Academy as Naruto told Jessica and Alice that he was gonna be the Hokage.

I could practically hear Jessica thinking,"Like hell your gonna be as good as Minato. Stupid fox idiot."

....Yeah...Jessica doesn't really like Naruto....

Thats probably an understatement.....

SOOOOOOO ANYWAYYYY, I sat next to Naruto, and *shivers* Sasugay. *gags* *dies*

I miraculously revived by having my name called.

"Kae Rin!"

I stomped into the room yelling,"ITS KAY NOT KAE!!! Though I do like the sound of it so I'll stick with that. :)"

Iruka sweatdropped then introduced me to Mizuki, whom I glared at.

"You'll do the clone jutsu." Iruka said.

I tildted my head to the side,"How many?"

"3 is good."

I nodded.

Lets see, how do I use chakra again? What are the hand signs? RAWR............. Do you know what? I'm just gonna yell clone justu and hope it works.

I stood feet apart and put my hands together as though I was praying, and I shouted,"Bunshin no Jutsu!"

4 clones appeared around me. Holly Shiffizzlewits it actually worked! O.O

Iruka and Mizuki looked confused at how I did it with the wrong hand sign, but gave me my headband anyway.

Now were to put it......

Around my fore head was good, but it moved the head band I was using to keep my  cat ears down.


Damn, what to do?

OH! I could put it sakura style, and let it help put my  ears down... Erg, though I'd hate to copy her.... Oh well, I did take the test before her, I'll just claim that she copied me. YAY PROBLEMO SOLVED!!!!!!

I tied the headband onto my head and threw out my plain old black one. Then I went to meet Jessica and Alice outside.

"YO ALICE! JESSICA!" I screamed as I tackled Alice.

Alice jumped backwards into Jessica causing both of them to fall. 

I burst out laughing and pointing at them.

"How did you pass?" Alice asked me.

"Well, I didn't know the hand signs or how to manipulate chakra, so."

"So, how did you?" Jessica said, she practiced with Alice the night before.

"I just put my hands together like this," I looked like I was praying, LOL,"Then I just shouted bunshin no jutsu."

"And it worked?" Alice asked shocked.

I nodded,"I KNOW, RIGHT!!!!! I'm just so pro that way." I posed with my hand making a "v" with my index finger and thumb, and put my chin on it.

Jessica laughed.

I then started to sing,"I AM SO BOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSS~ NO ONE CAN DEFEAT MEEEEEEEE- OWWWWWW!!!!" I rubbed my head where Alice flicked me.


I heard a grunt of annoyance and I spun behind me to meet the eyes of the one and only Sasugay.

We stared at eachother for a couple of seconds before I spoke. 


Alice laughed at me and Jessica sweat dropped.

Sasugay glared and I stuck my tongue out while pulling my eyelid down at him.

He made a face before disapearing.

"STALKER!!!" I yelled after him before turning to where Alice and Jessica were. They both looked disgusted.

"SOOOOOO, What you want to eat tonight?" I asked.


THe endddd BTW they ate cup noodle, cus rin was too lazy to cook. XP




be seeing ya~ 

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