Chapter 43:

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Hey guys! :D


I actually hav a good excuse! I was staying at my friends house while meh mum was away.

so yeah

but  i can update nao :D

anyway, FOR NARNIA!


Kiku's Pov

I laughed as Kiba accidently dropped is ice cream cone on the floor. He scratched his head and grinned sheepishly, which mad me laugh even more. 

"You are really clumsy Kiba!" I said in between giggles.

"Hey, you're the one that tripped me!" he defended, however, a smile adorned his face. 

I just stuck my tongue out at him and skipped ahead, still chuckling.

"Hey, wait!" He called, and ran after me. He easily caught up. When I looked at him, he wore a mischievous smile. Oh no.

"I guess you'll have to share yours then." he said, grabbing my hand, which was holding MY ice cream, and bringing it to his mouth. He took a chomp and smiled in victory.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Kiba then gave me a cheeky grin, showing some of the vanilla ice cream he ate around his mouth.

"You got a little something......everywhere." I said vaguely.

He looked at me surprised,"Hmm? Where?" He started patting around his face.

"Your mouth, stupid!" I giggled. He quickly wiped them off than flashed his canines,"Good now?"

I grinned too,"Good!" Then I looked to the sky,"The fireworks should be coming soon."


Kira's Pov

I quickly dived into some bushes, avoiding the bowl hair cut child. No doubt, leaves and twigs were getting caught in my hair. I quietly divided the bush so I could peek through. My blonde bangs fell into my eyes, and I blew them out of the way in annoyance.

I squinted, I don't see him so far...

I glanced backward at the tree behind me, maybe it would be a good idea to climb it?

I looked through the bushes, just in case, and slowly backed away, toward the tree.


I jumped and let out a squeak, then quickly crouched back down covered the idiot's mouth and waited.

I saw Lee glance in our direction, but quickly run off toward no where in particular,"PRINCESS I'LL FIND YOU!"

Once he was out of sight, I breathed a sigh of relief and glared down at Naruto's face.

"Naruto! Your such an idiot!" I scolded, in which he responded with "What can you do?" smile.

I sighed once again and removed my hand from his face.

He glanced at the sky as if expecting something.

Oh yeah, aren't there suppose to be fireworks?


Alice's Pov

Myehehehehhe, Neji. :D


Rin's Pov

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