Chapter 3: The team of half pplz

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so here is the next chapter.



Caitlin's Pov

We are in the Naruto world.........

I screamed and jumped around, letting all the fangirl-ness out before I am labeled in the same group as Sakura and Ino.

We walked into the Hokage's office.

"Who are these 3?" The hokage asked.

Kakashi explained how he found us here.

The hokage nodded then turned to us for an explanation.

"Um, can Kakashi leave before we tell you?" I said.

Kakashi gave me the LOOK.

"I mean seriously, we are not even ninjas so chill!" I said.

The hokage nodded to Kakashi so he left.

"Explain." He said.

And we told him everything. About how this was all a show, we know the future. About the akatsuki and the portal thingy, and the half breed thing.

"They asked you if you knew what a half breed was?" The hokage asked in surprise.

We nodded.

The hokage looked at us closely. He took in Alice's super sparkly eyes, Jessica's pink eyes and narrow pupils, and looked at my also narrow pupils.

He first turned to Jessica,"Smile." He said.

Jessica looked like,"What the hell." but she smiled anyways.

Her canines were really long and sharp, longer than mine.

Hokage nodded before saying,"You guys are all half-breeds."

"HUH?" We all said, excelt for me who said "Huh" a few seconds later.

Hokage nodded the pointed to Alice,"Half Tenshi." Then he pointed to jessica,"Half Kyuketsuki." Then he nodded toward me,"I think your half Kyuketshuki too."

"Kyuketsuki?" I asked squestionably, then it hit me. Jessica ha dfangs, narrow pupils,"OHHHHHH She's half vampire!"

Jessica's eyes widened,"NOOOOOOOO! WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?!!!!!"

I sook my head,"I'm not a vampire."

The hokage looked confused. I slipped off my hat.

The hokage looked shocked,"Your half Akuma."

Akuma? What does that mean again?? Hmmm, Oh YEAH!!! "Im half demon. COOL!!!!" I yelled.

"What does tenshi mean?" Alice asked.

I thought,"Oh doesn't that mean like a spirit of something?" I thought a little harder,"WAIT!!! I get it!!!!" I pointed at Alice,"YOUR AN ANGEL!!!! Oh the irony of an Angel with red hair. I guess thats when the half comes in."

The hokage cleared his throat then we turned to him. "Since you apparently know the future, I'll allow you to become automatically Genins. I trust you know a few Jutsus?"

I pumped my fist in the air,"HAH! I knew learning the hand signs for Katon: Goukyakyu no Jutsu would come in handy!"

"Also here is your apartment keys, and the map to your apartment."

We grabbed the keys.

"Your money."

MONEY!!! I excitedly grabbed the money, Time to buy punk clothing!!!

"And I will assign you to Kakashi's Team. After all,  you know what going to happen to them."

"HELL YES!!!" I screamed.

"And one more thing. You'll have to come with me for this one."

We walked to this dark cellar thing where the Hokage summoned some special ninjas or whatever.

"For Caitlin and Alice especially. We are going to seperate your special powers and your human ones. This may also cause a split in personality."


"Right now, your non human side could burst out of no where killing stuff. So we'll have to suppress it. I have no doubt you can control these powers, but, Caitlin, if your in demon mode and you playfully hit someone, they could actually get seriously injured."

I blushed, he knew my full personality already. I am really stubborn, and get mad easily. And if I get REALLY mad... lets just say don't be within sight of me.

The special ninjas handed both me and Jessica, black chokers with a chain attached.

He then gave me a silver lock and Jessica a Black cross.

"These are the seals that will helo you suppress your powers."

I locked the lock on my chain and felt as if some of my strenght had gone. Jessica clipped on the cross.

"Alice merely only has to give a small tug on the rosario or lock and your unhuman powers will be unleashed, also your split personality."

Alice nodded in understanding, as one of the ninja gave her a silver key. Probably for my lock.

"To seal the demon again, make sure to lock the lock. It easily comes off with a small tug, but to put it back on and make sure it stays on, you have to lock it."

Alice nodded,"What about Jessica?"

"Someone just needs to clip it back on."

I laughed. Then I realized,"THIS IS JUST LIKE ROSARIA VAMPIRE!"

Unfotunately neither Alice nor Jessica read that manga so they didn't get it.

The hokage dismissed us and we walked to where our house was.

It was big enough. It had 3 bedrooms, 3 bath rooms,a living room , and a kitchen, perfect for us.

I grabbed my money and yelled at my friend that I was going to buy some clothes.


I came back with a new wardrobe filled with punk clothes. I smiled, this was going to be fun.


The end




until nxt time ~ 

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