Chapter 48:

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hey babes looking beautiful as always ;)

Enjoy this chapter!


Rin's Pov

C'mon, as if it wasn't a bad day already! I mean, SERIOUSLY?!

Kira stepped forward to them,"Okay look. I know you guys don't really want to get involved in the shit we're in, nor want to fight us. So, how about we pretend we never saw each other and get on with our lives, okay?"

Temari sneered,"You sound like you think you have control of the situation. Are you underestimating us?"

Geez, this talk was annoying me.

"Bro, we don't want to fight you. You don't want to fight us. Lets just walk away." Alice said to them.

Kankuro laughed,"You think we're afraid of you? You're just kids! And look, we are all interested in this 'future' talk."

I probably had a vein by now.

Kira snorted,"Yeah, sure. Like we would-"

"Can we leave now? They're pissing me off." I interrupted. Seriously I was really irritated right now.

"Aren't you that air head that was crying on the awkward girl's should- HEY LISTEN TO ME!" Temari began before realizing I was already walking away.

 "You rude little..." I heard Kankuro say when I continued to walk away. Suddenly, I heard he clang of metal on metal.

"Didn't someone ever tell you its rude to stab people in the back?" I heard Alice's voice yell.

I looked behind me just in time to see Kira shake her head,"Attacking someone while their back is turned, what a coward."

I saw Kankuro's puppet's knives being deflected by none other than my two friends. Okay, now I feel guilty about being a total ass hole to them. Well, not entirely. I actually just wanted to show them up with my superior ninja skills, but I have no idea if I'm stronger than them or not.

 But now we all have to fight, urghh.

I placed a lollipop into my mouth and smiled at the trio before us,"Cool puppet." 

Alice looked at me before gesturing to me. She pointed at her chest with a questioning look. I shook my head, not wanting the seal to be removed. At least, not until we were losing very badly, which will be soon. She raised an eyebrow, but nodded and proceeded to ask the same question to Kira who also refused.

 Alice took out two shuriken to cut the chakra strings. Facepalm.

"Alice, you can't cut chakra strings like that." I mumbled exasperatedly. Kira looked like she was about to tell Alice, but Alice realized it and hit herself on the forehead,"Oh yeah..."

I slow clapped for her,"Bravo! Amazing."

She whined at my sarcasm,"DOEHF SORRY I FORGOT!"

I laughed at her before grabbing two kunais and throwing them at Kankuro, who blocked them with his puppet. I grinned and pulled on the chakra strings I had attached to the kunai, making the puppet fly toward me.

Said black-clad cat-guy twitched his fingers a little, causing his puppet to hold out several knives, which would have killed me. If I hadn't, y'know, slammed the puppet agains the tree, breaking it.

"Damn it!" I heard him say.

I smirked and began counting,"In three, two, one-"

"FOR NARNIA!" I heard Alice scream as she jumped out of the bush infront of him and delivered a punch cleanly to his face.

Kira immediately fell with her foot extended from a higher branch,"WHAT KIND OF WAR CRY IS THAT?" Her foot fell right onto Kankuro's stomach, causing him to cough up some blood. She then used his stomach as a backboard in which she pushed off of to land near me and Alice.

"You brats!" He said sitting up. Temari brought out her giant fan,"You have guts. Its too bad I'll have to kill you."

"I dunno.... he seems like he wants to have the hnors..." Alice said while pointing at a rather psychotic looking Gaara.


His sand was rising around him. Oh yeah, he wanted to kill us, damn.

"Shit, Alice, remove seals STAT." I shouted backing away immediately.

She laughed,"What about your future husband?"

"I'd rather make sure I get to the future first."

"For once, Rin said something intelligent!" I heard Kira say.


"YEAH YEAH GET OVER HERE SO I CAN SAVE YOUR BUTTS." Alice said running toward us as sand began to race in our direction.

"FUCK!" Kira shouted and began to run at Alice,"HURRY AND PULL THIS SON OF A BITCH!"

"I'M TRYING!" Alice yelled back while tugging it off and storing the charm in her pocket.

Immediately Kira shot off to another branch with insane speed,"Hurry and get Rin before she dies."

Alice mumbled something about ungrateful prunes before screaming at me who was screaming back.  Jeez I know I can't run fast, you don't have to tell me that.

Her hand reached toward me just as the sand caught her foot. She yelped in surprise and slapped me in the face, right befire successfully tugging off the seal. However it was flung a couple of feet away. I'll have to get it later.

The same feeling rushed through me as I felt my consousness get pulled to the back of my mind. The last thing I saw was Alice going angel.

"I swear you are the girliest thing ever." I managed to say before me and the other Rin switch.



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