Chapter 19: Im sorry kira.... but its true >:D

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hey guys,

sorry for not updating yesterday :(




please enjoy and comment

and stuff







KIRA's Pov

Rin and Alice were passed out on the ground, while everybody was looking at me in shock.

I started to panic,"I'm sorry. They just, I thought-"

"THANKYOU!" Everyone shouted.

I sighed in releif, at least they weren't going to kick me out or anything.

But, since they were both knocked out and probably had their skulls cracked (that was blood, huh?) they couldn't walk on their own.

What a problem. =.=

"Hey, duckbutt!" I yelled at him.

He glared at me,"What?"

I returned the glared,"Go carry Rin, she's way too fat."

His expression changed from the glare, to shock, then pink tinged his cheeks. 

Whats this?! O.o


"JUST PICK IT UP!" I said annoyed. Haha, noticed how I said it.

I started to support Alice with my shoulder, but I wasn't strong enough.

I looked around, whom can I ask for help?

Sakura? Ew, no. Never. NEVER.


But Kakashi had to get sliced into bits by those demon brother dudes.

I sighed.

"Someone help me." I said.

Sakura was too busy glaring jealously at the passed out Rin that was being carried piggyback style by Sasuke.

Hahaha, she's going to kill me if she knows I did this.

Naruto heard me and turned around.

"Don't worry Kira, beleive it!" He said and helped support the other side of Alice's limp body on his shoulder.

He grinned at me and I twitched back.

Was t me or was he slightly red?

Ah, whatever, must be the heat.

Its making me reall thirsty...

Really really thirsty...

Damn I can't get any of those blood pills out of my pocket because of ALICE.

The sun is really hot.

My throat feels really dry.

I started feeling dizzy.

Then chains came out of nowhere and ripped Kakashi apart.

"One down..." They looked at us,"Two down."

Chains shot out after Alice, me, and Naruto.

Naruto pushed me and Alice out of the way and we clattered onto the floor.

He just... saved us? 

Then he froze up.

=.= Nicee.

I quickly tossed a blood pill into my mouth and swallowed it, just as Sasuke tried to pin them to a tree and failed.

Where's Rin?

Oh, she's hidden in the bushes. How nice.... =.=

So anyway, Naruto took a step backwards and stumbled, but managed to grab onto my necklace before he fell.


So now, that I was released, my fangs grew longer and pointy, my pupils turned into slits, and I think my neon pink eyes started glowing.

I felt strength coarse throught my veins. 

One of the dudes headed for me.

Bad choice.

I kicked him towards the sky and he flew upwards, going passed the clouds.

Bat wings grew from my back and I flew up to where the guy was still going up.

...I kick that hard?

Thats right. >:)

I socked him hard in the face and he was pushed back with a lot of force to the ground, making a crater.

I cracked a smile. "HECK YEAH THATS RIGHT!!" Then I started doing a little dance,"I'm sooo pro~ YOU CAN'T BEAT ME-"

My teamates look wide eyed at me.

"What?" I said looking at them like they were crazy.

"So its true they have different personalities." Kakashi mumbled, holding the other dude in a headlock.

So he finally decided to show.

I rolled my eyes then turned to Naruto,"Can I, like, have the pendant back before I eat you all?"

He throught it to me and I attached it back on.

Quickly, the wings disappeared, my eyes were a less vibrant ping, my fangs were not as long, and I felt weak again.


"Anyway, good job Sasuke, Kira. Sakura too."

Of course I did a good job.

Then of course Naruto went all emo, and you all know how it went on from their. :)








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