Chapter 52: Lets See What Happens

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hfonuiaefiufrp sorry i haven't updated 


HEre take the chapter TAKE IT

Thanks for 108 fans BTW i swear im gonna start crying ahhhh >//////<



Alice's Pov

We had just finished cooking our meal, which consisted of fish on a stick. And by me I mean me and Kira, cause Rin was just being her lazy, demon self.

"Rin! Food's ready, unless its not good enough for you!" I called claiming one of the sticks. While Kira claimed the other.

I received no indication that she heard me, which I expected. I sighed loudly,"Rin! We're going to eat it if yu dont claim it!"

There was still no response. That, that, that, that, meanie!

I grumbled under my breath before looking at the branch she was on. Which, hey hey hey, it was empty!

I looked at Kira who looked at me.



Narrator's Pov

They watched the look of surprise cross Rin's face as the necklace slipped off. She suddenly wobbled back and forth before finally slipping of the branch and falling limply. 

It was complete silence until she finally hit the ground with a loud thud, some cracks sounding, and blood starting to trickle from her mouth.

Sasuke and Sakura looked at her with wide eyes, frozen in shock. Sakura looked at Sasuke to make sure he was seeing this too, and his eyes confirmed it. Disbelief quickly turned to puzzlement then realization then denial. He looked at Orochimaru suspiciously, wondering if this was another Genjutsu.

Sakura whispered,"Sasuke!"

He looked at her questioningly.

Sakura tried to whisper again, but this time no sound came out,"This isn't an illusion"


Kira immediately sped off,"Alice come one!"

Alice followed her,"Where are we going? How do you know where Rin is?"

Kira stepped on a branch and propelled off of it so she could go further,"Where do you think?"

Alice did the same and realized where Rin was. "GOD DAMMIT!" She yelled.

Bothe started to leap through the trees faster, the urgency pushing them on. "And I was ready to eat too!" Alice pouted, before hearing a chomp, turning just in time to see  Kira take a bite of her fish on a stick.



The two finally arrived where the battle was and tried to go unnoticed, but once they saw Rin on the ground lifeless they had to know what happened.

"OKAY PAUSE WHATEVER BATTLES GOING ON HERE!" Alice shouted making Sasuke, Sakura, and Orochimaru turn to the two.

"Okay now that I have your attention, what the hell happened to our mean-faced friend here?" Alice asked pointing to said body. 

"Hey Alice, come look at this!" Kira called and through a silver object at Alice. Alice caught it and atared. A necklace chain. What does that have to- oh.


I see.

"Nevermind go back to your battle peace out!" Alice said before grabbing Kira and Rin's body and running out of their.

They got back to their campsite and dropped Rin on the ground.

Jesus god she was heavy.

"Okay Kira, I don't know what happens if this happens, but considering she passed out and we've been warned not to take it off, I think its something pretty bad."

"Yup." Kira agreed.

They looked at eachother.

"Lets see what happens."


Sorry it was short guys! But i had to break that long break i took since i last updated right?


Anyway, thanks to all the comments, votes and fans! I love you all! :)

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