Chapter 37: We got a lot of work to do. And I mean a LOT.

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Havent updated in a while!

srry bout that hehehehe....

blame my math teacher


and i dont feal like studying for the test, ill probably regret it tho


life is too troublesome



Rin's Pov

I yawned and stretched as I trudged around the village looking for Alice and Kira.

We agreed last night, along with Kiku, to train so we could be ready for when the Akatsuki try to attack us.

Like thats gonna help, they're the friggin AKATSUKI.

You know, with the all powerful Pein that had magical powers. And Zetsu who just loves to pop out randomly and eat people, and the sadistic religion crazy jashinist Hidan, and our favorite little pyromaniac who loves making things go BOOOM!!! And the hot Sasori. Admit it! You think he's hot too! Just ignore the fact that he's like 40. xD 

Woah, thats like pedophile.


Quote from pedobear,"Whats the best thing about twenty-nine year old? " 

"Theres twenty of them. ;)"

Thats right children run!!! He's after everyone under the age of adult. Thats right teens you count too!

Ya better run, run, run, run, run~

Kpop! :D

What was I thinking about again?

"Yo Rin!" I heard Alice's voice call,"Over hear!"

I headed to one of the training fields to see Kira and Alice standing several meters away from a target with kunai and shuriken attached in the 9 to 10 point range.


I skipped over to them,"What are we gonna do first?"

Kira thought for a moment,"How about we'll take turns sparring each other and see what we need to work on?"

"Genius!" I claimed.

"I call first!" Alice said.

Hmmmm, should I battle her? Ah, whatever.

''I shall battle Alice!" I shouted.

Kira nodded,"Whoever wins will battle me, since I am the strongest out of us three." She smiled sweetly at us.

I rolled my eyes,"Yeah, yeah, sure Kira." I first popped one of my lolipops in my mouth, they help me with chakra control, because I am much calmer when I eat, so I calmed down the explosive chakra! :D Then I got in a stance, you know, the usual fighting stance. Left foot forward, right foot back. I had some training in martial arts.

Alice did the same, but I noticed her stance was too narrow. It would be hard to stay on balance.

Hey, I can be smart about certain things, kinda, maybe.....ish...

"Go on." Kira said, signalling for us to start.

I took a jump backwards and got out some shuriken and kunai, might as well show off my new move I was working on when we were at Tazuna's.

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