Chapter 35:

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hey guys,

you see, my friend who you guys know as kiku, is making me write this so be thankful

if you guys dont remember refer to the chapter known as "being  bored as my dogs shit." (chapter 17)



k then :) 


Rin's Pov

So we finally got back from that long mission.  About time, I was getting tired of death. 

So we were just walking back to our hous when we were confronted by Kiku. 

Damn, I forgot to introduce her, huh? Well, she has this amazing shade of hair, bluish green, almost like a darker of sea foam green. I don't really know her powers, yet, but her hair hints that it might have something to do with water or the ocean or something like that. I have no idea, forget it.

"Hey Angel faces, How was the mission?!" Kiku asked.

Alice grinned,"Considering that Rin died once, it went fabulously!"

I rolled my eyes at her,"I love you too, Alice!"

Kira snorted,"Of course!"

Kiku immediately took interest,"What happened? How'd she die?!"

Alice and Kira told her the story, making me sound more pathetic than I actually was.

"Psh, I was much more ninja than that!" I argued.

"No." They deadpanned at the same time.

I stuck my tongue out,"Your just jelly Tobi talked to me first." I told them about it on the way back.

Kira smirked,"I think it was because he thought you were the weakest!"

I flicked her in the forehead,"No way!"

 Alice then thought for a moment,"Who is Tobi anyway?"

"Obito." I stated. Thats the only thing that made some sense. "He definetly has Obito's sharingan, so I think either someone possessed Obito's body, stole his sharingan, or its Obito turned evil. And besides, If you rearrange the letters in Tobi, you get Obit, very close! It has to be him!"

Kiku just nodded not really paying attention,"Yeah yeah. Oh yeah! Are you guys going to the festival?"

"Huh?" Alice and I asked, obviously very confused.

"Festival?" Kira said,"There are festivals here?"

"No, duh!" Kiku said,"Its the summer festival! We are going Yukata shopping!! Go summon some money."

"Now? I'm hungry!" I complained, hey I was, I just died yesterday.

Kiku rolled her eyes,"You can eat and shop!" Then she grabbed all of our hands and poofed us magically into a yukata shop.

(If you don't know what a Yukata is, its a summer kimono.)

I don't think I've ever seen that many yukatas before, no, colors in one place. 

After browsing, colors I would never in my life wear, a question popped into my mind.

"Oh yea, I forgot to ask, have you been training?" I haven't seen her fight before, so, I'm a little curious.

k\Kiku smirked,"Thats for me to know and you to find out! During the Chunin exams, maybe you'll be lucky enough to see me fight."

Then she shoved something purple at me,"Try this on."

I looked at it like it was a dead rat. Its too....bright.

Kiku raised an eyebrow,"You're looking at it like its a used condom."

Suddenly the store seemed emptier, weird.


Mean while Alice was chasing Kira around the shop, holding a hot pink, sparkly, yukata, while screaming,"IT MATCHES YOUR EYES!!!! NARUTO WOULD LOVE IT ON YOU!!!"

"Ah, HELL NO!" Kira screamed, trying to evade the horrifyingly princess like yukata.


Kiku yelled out,"I've found the perfect one for me!"

She held up an ocean blue yukata, decorated with white birds. The obi was also white. I had to say, it would looke awesome on her, and it matched her hair perfectly.

"Now all we need to find is Kira's and yours."


1 hour later, my eyes landed on the most beautiful yukata. It was behind the ugly ones, which explained why I haven't found it.

It was black with white, light pink, and pink  flowers. There was a large obi that was white, followed by a smaller obi which was black, and an electric pink and black rope, which was the exact color of my hair.

Holy cow, its like they stalked me, and made this to fit my image.



Kira finally found her yukata, which was surprising. I half expected her to go in T-shirt and jeans, but it was a festival.

So, yeah.

Her yukata was an electric blue, with a beatiful golden obi, the color of her hair. It had random flashes of gold. It suited her well.

Alice's was white with red flowers here and there. She had a red obi the shade of her hair which had a grey rope tied in a ribbon around, the same color as her eyes. Almost like storm clouds.

Seriously, I think these people stalked us and designed is only for us.



We walked out of the shop, and honestly I wanted to sleep as soon as possible. I was so tired, I forgot about eating! And thats saying something!

So by the time we got home, I was passed out on the couch, not evening bothering to change into my pjs.

Yes, I was that tired.


This kinda seemed like a filler chapter...


ah well


Into the Naruto World! I wonder if they have chocolate...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora