Chapter 26: Apparently Rin has issues.

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Rin's Pov

"Wow this is easy!" Sakura shouted from sitting on a tree.

Immediately I glared at her,"..I'm so gonna try to go all chakra on that tree....and when I do you will DIE! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!"

I earned weird looks. T.T

"At least I'm getting somewhere, unlike you!" She yelled at me pointing.

I smiled sweetly at her and said cutely,"Sakura?" Flowers were flying everywhere along with hearts and sparkles got flung around everywhere.

"Crap she's mad." I heard someone whisper.

My face darkened and I glared wickedly at Sakura,"Remember what I told you at the academy?"

Her eyes blankened, flashbacking to when I told her off, after Sasuke yelled at her. 

My eyed glinted evilly, and everyone noticed,"You just made it on my bad side."

Her face turn ashen before breaking out in cold sweat, her eyes wide.

Then I quickly smiled at her and turned around facing my tree and burst into a fit of giggles.

Everyone  was thinking the same thing. They were questioning my sanity. Which is fine, they should be.

"Yo, Kakashi! Help meh!" I screamed.

Kakashi sighed and hobbled over to me. He stood over me, whereing that bored look,"What do you want?"

I pointed at the trees,"Why are they exploding?!"

Kakashi sighed,"Well, chakra is your mind and body right?"

I nodded.

"Apparently either one of those things is......explosive?"

". . ."

Kakashi sweatdropped. 

I scratched the back of my neck wearing a closed eye smile and gave a mischeivious grin,"Hehehheheheh."

Kakashi shook his head. Then pointed to a rock near a river,"Calm your mind down by meditating over there."

"Fineeee." I said dragging and throwing myself onto the rock. My eyelids startedto droop and before I knew it, I was asleep.


Alice's Pov

"Thats not meditating." I heard Kakashi mumble.

I snickered.

Kakashi turned to me and with a serious expression, asked,"Did anything happen to her?"

I scratched my head,"Like what?"

Kakashi thought for a minute. "You know, bad, unusual, tramatic, different. Any of those?"

I thought for a moment. One fact popped into my mind. Though, it doesn't seem to affect her. "Why?"

"Well," Kakashi started,"To have one's mind...explosive...there has to be some sort of trigger."

Now I got more confused,"Wait, but what do you mean by,'explosive'?"

Kakashi quieted, searching for the right word,"Well, I guess maybe unstable, not really though. Its almost like she's afraid of something that happened to her before, so she tries to stay in her comfort zone."

Huh? "How is staying in her comfort zone explosive?"

"The pent up energy has to go somewhere."


Kakahsi nodded.

Wait I still don't get this. "Wait, what do you mean by,'comfort zone'?"

Kakashi sighed,"You know. Almost like she doesn't try. Doesn't expect too much. Doesn't think she deserves much. Pretends to be too lazy to do things."

I snorted,"Rin IS too lazy to do things."

Kakashi got a weird look,"Are you sure?"

I nodded, Rin was always lazy, this I was sure!

Kakashi sighed and hobbled away muttering something like,"All 3 of them...weird..."


Doesn't everyone have baggage to carry around? 

I know Kira does, maybe myself, Naruto, the duck *vomits*.....except Sakura. 


Ah well, thats just life.


Anyway, Kira was actually getting better. Her tree had cuts past Naruto's and almost as much as the evil ugly bastard duck thing over there.

LOL, is she getting tired? >:D

Well, Rin defientely is. >.>

She still sleeping. *Sigh* What am I going to do with them.

"Oh, by the way Alice." Kakashi said.

"Hm?" I asked.

"You can go with Sakura to protect the workeres, while the rest of them stay here."

Immediately my face fell.

Me and Sakura.

. . .

 . . .

  . . .

Me and Sakura....




i was tired









peace! ;)

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