Chapter 54: Ignorance Kills

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school started

someone shoot me

heres a chapter



Rin's Pov

I was dropped to the ground, yet again. Gosh, this doign wonders for my back! Note sarcasm. A few agonzing minutes passed by and my eyes finally adjusted. The whole space I was  in was a blank white.

It was a huge space, seemingly to go forever in all directions. I don't want to be here. I need to get out of here. Everything here was too quiet, too plain, too nothing. 

There was nothing there but me.

I picked myself off the ground and picked a direction to start walking in. What seemed like hours passed and nothing changes, all I saw was the whiteness.

I screamed out in frustration, agony, sadness, everything and fell to my knees muttering. "Just want to get out of here. I just want my body back. I don't want to do this anymore. I want to go home. I want to go home. I WANT TO GO HOME." I didn't notice I started screaming until the reminents of the loud sound rang fresh in my ears after it was gone.

"Home? You want to go home?" A voice echoed.

Shakily, I got off my knees and onto my feet. In no particular direction I screamed,"YES. I DO. I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE. I NEVER WANT TO SEE OR HEAR YOU AGAIN. I WANT MY BODY BACK."

Laughter surrounded me in response. Coming from all directions, it sounded as if a thousand people were laughing. This sort of mocking laughter surrounded me. It grew in volume to a point where it started to ring in my mind. "You think this is your body?"

Then silence, all at once. It was so sudden I felt the wind get knocked out of me.

"This is my body! I deman it back! I want whoever the hell you are to leave me alone! I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE ME! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted.

Then everything went black. And I couldn't see anything.

For a few seconds it was silent, i wasn't even breathing. I was standing alone in the darkness.  A faint sound was what caused me to turn around just in time to watch as several sword-shaped flames come towards me. All i could do, was watch, its image relfeced in my eyes as it stabbed straight into my stomach.

A piercing hot pain coursed through me as I let out an inaudible scream and fell to the ground. I couldn't move. The flames disappeared, leaving no phisical wound, but the pain seemed even more real that what I've felt in reality. I was paralyzed in pain, my eyes wide open and my lungs refusing to breathe. 

I could hear footsteps getting closer to me, pausing only to pick something off the ground. 

"Do you really think you are able to exist in this world when you clearly belong in another one? I can forgive ignorance, but stealing is a sin that is most deadly, especially stealling of someone's body." 

Who-? Whose voice was this? 

"I've had it with you and your friends. You're nothiing but parasite. You don't belong here. The world knows this."

Sh got close enough that I could see here. She, she looked like me? She had the same pink hair and bright blue eyes. That was when I noticed my own brown hair, I look like my normal self?

She walked over me and looked enraged.  Sitting on my abdomen she placed one hand on my neck, squeezing hard. I coughed trying to breathe. Then she held up the scissors from before. still red with my blood. That was what she must have picked from the ground.

"You and your friends are leeching of f the existence of others. Taking over our bodies for nothing. I've been silenced for too long. I will no longer be a prisoner in my own body!" Venom was dripping from her voice and her grasp on the scissors tightened before slamming it straight through my skull.

A flash of unbearable pain and a sickening crunch was registered before everything was gone.

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