Chapter 49: Idiots

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Hey guys I'm typing this on my ipod!

So there may be a lot of typos srry!


Anyway, srry for not updating quickly



Narrator's POV

The Sand Siblings eyed them,  probably wondering why they were paying attention to their jewelry.

Oh what a surprise they were going to be in!

Gaara's face went from blood-thirsty to confused. His eyes darted from one person to the next, narrowing as he moved on. His sand stopped advancing.

Kankuro had shaken off Alice's expertly thrown punch and held his hands in front of him, trying to revive  his puppet. "You're going to pay for that." He said through grinded teeth.

"Don't." Gaara said sending him  an icy look that made Kankuro drop his hands almost immediately. "What?!" Kankuro asked.

Temari pointed at their three enemies. Rin, her bright blue eyes replaced by uninterested glowing red ones, looked down at them from a tree. She was sitting, her back straight and her face resting aganst a hand that was being held by one of her knees, a black glow seemed to emit from her. Cat ears potruded from her pink haid and a tail rested along side her. Her expression was that of sufferingly complete boredom. 

Alice was staring at them with an expression that said that she didn't want to hurt anyone, but she will if she needed to. She was standing directly in front of them, unafraid, chin held high. An air of confidence surrounded her along with a slight white glow. A natural feeling of inferiority filled the Sand Siblings when they saw her.

Kira was hanging upside down from a tree branch, grinning at them looking very interested. Her glowing pink eyes shines with amusement and excitement. She enjoyed fighting, loved it, craved it. She hadn't been brought out in a while and she couldn't wait. She slipped another blood pill into her mouth. Don't want any "accidents" do we?

Kankuro looked suspciously at them,"Whats with the sudden change?"

Kira giggled at the question looking as amused as ever while Alice smirked slightly. Rin didn't give any sign that she heard anything particularly interesting. 

"What are you?" Gaara asked them harshly.

"Thats a bit rude, asking a stranger something so personal right off the bat." Kira mused after swinging herself on the branch and laying down on her stomach to look at them.

Alice stared at them harshly,"You finally get it. We didn't want to fight and you didn't know what you were stumbling into, you should have left when you had the chance."

Temari looked nervously from the three to Gaara, knowing fully well that if Gaara stopped attacking, they were something different. Very different. She held her hands up,"Okay, you win. We'll leave."

"Too late!" Kira smiled. "We want a scroll."

Temari was about to agree, they already had all the scrolls they needed when Gaara interrupted her.

"Who are you?"

"Why do you care?" Alice asked crossing her arms. She just wanted to get the scroll and leave. She also needed to find Rin's pendant.

"I'm being polite. Who are you and what are you?" Gaara asked with hostility. The sand slightly moved as if sensing his emotions.

"Not with that attitude~!" Kira sang.

"I'm surrounded my idiots.." Alice muttered before turning to the siblings. "My name is Lu Alice and I am human.

"Human and?!" Gaara hissed impatiently.

"I think you've figured that out." Alice said coldly. She was growing irritated with this pointless questioning, not as annoyed as Rin was currently, but still pretty pissed.

"Lenng Kira! Vampiric Human!" Kira stated grinning before tilting her head and innocently,"Are we gonna fight now?"

Alice rolled her eyes, before looking at Rin who seemed to not have moved a muscle. Everyone followed her eyes to the girl sitting in the tree. Two whole minutes passed before Rin closed her eyes and slowly brought them open,"You guys are lowering the IQ of the entire village by having this conversation. I refuse to tell those incompetent something as vital as my name."

Kankuro twitched,"What was that you cheeky bitch?"

Rin slowly turned her head towards him, her bored eyes landing on his. She met his glare seeming uninterested, but once Kankuro met her eyes, he realized she was looking at him intensely as if she was damning him to hell. Suddenly her eyes undilated while his did the exact opposite.

Alice realized what she was doing. "Rin..." She warned.

Rin did not acknowledge at her, she just kept looking at Kankuro, who's face was steadily looking more and more frightened.

"Rin." She said more urgently this time, but still got no response. "RIn!" She shouted, but said hald-demon didn't spare her a glance. Alice flew up to where she was and grabbed her arm, digging her nails into her hand. "RIn!" She said harshly.

Except she didn't need to dig her nails into Rin's hand. The moment the angel laid her hand on the demon, a searing pain blazed on the latter's skin. Rin glared up at Alice and hissed,"Don't tell me what to do, priss." Rin shook off her hold, ignoring the pain blazing on her skin. 

"Its my job, demon!" Alice stated calmly.

Rin gave a mocking laugh,"Thats right. Enemies, are we? Tenshi."

"Don't push it, shinigami!"

Rin's straight face broke into a smile,"How hypocritical of you."

"Uh, guys? We have enemies? Stop fighting!" Kira called to us. She faced the Sand Sibs,"Are you going to give us the scroll or so I have to kill you?"

Temari brought one out,"Here, let us leave." She threw it at Alice, probably assumin she was the leader. "But know this, once we learn more of your kind, we will kill you."

Then they left. 

Alice clipped on the pendant to Kira's neck and went to look for Rin's pendant.

Two minutes passed. Five minutes. Ten.

"You lost it huh?" Normal Kira asked exhasperatedly.

"Shut up...." Alice whined.

"Idiot." Rin said, very pissed.

Alice glared at her,"YOU SHUT UP, TOO!"


Was that good? I hope so! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! T.T Take it, enjoy it! I love you all! Minzy out!

Into the Naruto World! I wonder if they have chocolate...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang