Chapter 42: Tallness is Important

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Srry, i haent updated in a while guys :(

I would say i was busy, but im not gonna lie

i was lazy




Rin's Pov

I could feel my cheeks get red as I stare. He looked..... I blushed even more.

"OMG NARUTO YOU LOOK ADORABLE IN A DUDE KIMONO!" I screamed as I couldn't help but hug him.

I heard my friends laugh.

"Rin, can you get off m-" 

I cut him off when I started messing up his hair,"Your just so cute aren't you!" Okay, so maybe now I was doing it just to torture him, but hey, its still a good reason.

As I was messed up his hair I realized I was about 4 inches taller than him. I stopped. "Hey Naruto, how tall are you?"

I blushed and looed down, embarrassed as he mumbled something.

"What?" I repeated.

"145 centimeters...." 

My eyes widened, how much did I shrink? I looked around for someone my height. And of course it was Sasuke.

"How tall are you?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow,"Why?"

I sighed,"You about as atall as me I wanna know how tall I am!"

He rolled his eyes,"156 centimeters."

"OH NOOOOO! D:" I yelled. I spun around to Alice, Kira, and Kiku,"Why didn't you tell me I shrank?!"

"We shrank too, so we didn't notice." Kira stated.

I frowned,"But still! 14 centimeters is a huge difference!" I started to anime cry,"I wanna be 5'7'' again..."

Alice rolled her eyes,"You're still taller than us, this world or our own."

I pouted,"But still!!!!!"

Naruto looked sad, probably because he was so short, so I comforted him,"Its okay, Naruto, you'll grow when you're older!"

Naruto's faced brightened up,"Taller than you back in you world?"

I grinned,"Nope."

Gloom went over his eyes.

I flicked him,"Don't worry Naruto, Sasuke isn't either, and if you lived in my world you'd probably be taller than what you are now."

He seemed a little comforted.

Kira shoved me over,"You know, besides the fact that your are a giant, they are average."

I smirked and got up,"Jelly~"

Alice rolled her eyes,"You are just abnormally tall."

"Hey what about Fawn?" I defended. Fawn was one of our friends who was a fricken giant. What 13 year old girl is 5' 8'' and their parents are shorter than them?

"I thought we settled this." Kira stated.

"Yeah, she must take steroids or something." Kiku inputted. 

Oh yeah, we had this conversation already.

"Pvchpbhcubrabsjffsonf." I said, finishing my 3rd stick of barbeque.

Into the Naruto World! I wonder if they have chocolate...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora