Chapter 51: Going through Security Checks

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Caitlin's Pov (Original Rin)

Once the necklce came off, it was like the lighs went on. Before I couldn't see anything, but now its was as bright as ever. Imediately I pulled Rin in with me, I needed my body back, and I will fight with her for it.

I took the time to look around me. I was situated on a floating island, very small one.  As if only a piece of land decided to go away and be awesome. The island was about ten feet long and four feet wide. Underneat was water, but nearby was land. It was a much larger landmass with flowers and greenery.

This is my mind?

"You want this body?" Said Rin's voice seeming everywhere at the same time. "Come and get me."

"Where are you?" I shouted back,"This is my mind, right, you should be here too!"

There was only a laugh,"I'm deeper in your mind, this is only the surface."

"Wait, how?" I asked back, but I got no response. Dammit.

I looked over the edge of the island, it was about a twenty foot drop, I'm so not doing that. Okay I needed to think. Lets see. How do I unlock the mind. Hmmm. Unlocking the mind. Doesn't Ino do something like that? WAIT, didn't her father have to unlock her mind of something? Okay think, how did he do that. He..he... HE WAS PICKING FLOWERS! I have to pick flowers? Wait isn't it different for every person? WHAT DO I DO?????

I looked behind me. At the other edge of the land was a bird bath without any water. Cautiously, I walked to it. Did I have to fill it with water? I peered into it and saw there was a pair of scissors.

Oh no.

Trembling, I picked up the scissors, it looked clean and brand new. It also looked very, very sharp.

I don't like this.

I looked back into the bowl of the bird bath thing. Upon closer inspection it had markings making a spiral formation. These marking looked familiar... WAIT. I KNOW THESE. These markings were Nordic Runes! I made me and a couple of my friends learn it back in the day.

My mind is very thorough in security.

I squinted at it and bega deciphering it:

Blood of a Sinner

Death of Peace

Ashes of Beauty

Jesus Christ, how creepy can you get.

Lets see these seem to be stuff I need to put in the bowl. So the first thing is blood of a sinner. I looked around where do I get blood of a sinner?

I looked over the edge, trying to see of if there was nything that could mean blood of a sinner, but under me was just water.

I sighed and stared at my reflection, fixing my hair a little. After I was done, I smiled, thats better. I looked at myself to make sure my hair was fine when I realized. Blood of  Sinner. I stared at my reflection. I am a sinner.

I have lied, I have killed, I have harmed, I have betrayed, I have broken. I am a sinner.

Thats what the scissors are for...

Oh god.

I got up and stood over the bird bath. Taking out the scissors and holding out my hand I quickly slit my skin.

Hissing in pain, I smeared my wound on the bottome of the bowl, blood getting on it. Then, it filled itself half way with a liquid had an extremely strong resemblence to my blood. I groaned when the scent hit my nose, good god thats foul.

Now what was next, Death of peace?

The pool of blood started rippling and out of it fluttered a white butterfly. A white butterfly, a symbol of peace, new birth and change.

Oh god no.

The butterfly fluttered towards me and landed on the wound in my hand. Once it did, the woud healed itself almost instantly, a line of scar tissue only hinted at what had previously happened.

The butterfly hopped onto my finger and I whispered to it,"I'm sorry."

Then I grabbed it by one of its wings and promptly cut it in half horizontally with the scissors. Its two halves fell into the pool of blood and floated around.

I hate this. This is. This is too much.

Lastly the Ashes of Beauty.

I looked around for anything symbolizing beauty, nothing. What do I do now?!

I sighed and stared at the bird bath. That was when my hand moved by itself, and, to my horror, dipped a finger into the mixture.

Quickly, I took  it out and shook it off,"Oh god thats gross!"

A drop went flying and hit the grass.  The prettiest sun flower I had ever seen grew where it landed. I was a small one, about the size of my palm, but it was so beautiful. Its petals were the most vivid yellow, each equal length apart. It was perfect. And it was my favorite flower. I picked it and stared at its beauty.

The ashes of beauty.

Biting my lip and looking away I summoned fire onto it, when I looked black, a soft fine dust lay in my hands. Ashes.

I really hate this.

I walked back to the bird bath and dropped the ashes into it. Suddenly everything started to shake and the began darkening until I couldn't see a thing, but the foul concoction in front of me, glowing eerily as if to show off to me what I had done, what it made me do.

That was when the bowl started filling again. Filling so much it began overflowing. I screamed and backed away, not wanting to let the retched liquid touch me. But it kept going, overflowing, slowly incasing the floating island I was on.

I kept backing up, everything around me was black, I couldn't see a thing but the redness racing after me.

I kept backing up and backing up, but I lost my balance and realized  I was at the edge. Blood reached my and began to seep into my shoes. At the feel of liquid in my shoes I screamed again and losing my balance, I fell. Falling what felt like thirty feet, huh guess my estimate was wrong, and land ing into the water.

I closed my eyes and allowed myself to sink for a few seconds before swimming to the surface trying to catch a breath. After reached the air and stopped panting, I swam toward the directon of what I thought was the bigger land mass.

I assumed I was right because I hit something and I pulled myself up. Coughing and sputtering I looked around, but stopped when I realized i still couldn't  see a thing. I laid down staring into the blackness.

What the fuck is my mind trying to keep from everyone?

Suddenly everything was white and I closed my eyes on instinct. The sudden change caused me to not be able to see a thing. Groaning in pain and clutching my eyes I heard Rin's voice again.

"I see you made it. I'm actually surprised, looks like you're not as stupid as I thought."

I screamed as I was hoisted into the air by something I couldn't see thanks to my eyes still being in temporary blindness. Rin hissed really close to my ear,"But don't think I'll hand over my body that easily."


hoped you enjoyed! ^__^

THanks for everthing and ILY! ;)

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