Chapter 2: Holy Shifizzlerz is that......

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here is chapter 2!!!!


Caitlin's Pov

I groaned as I opened my eyes. Green flooded my vision. A forest?

I looked around and saw 2 other girl's laying down. One had light blonde hair, the other had blood red hair.

The light blonde one, reminded me of Jessica's unpermed hair, in the way that it was slightly curly. But, this girl had bangs.

The red head had bangs also, but her hair was short and stopped at her chin while the other's stopped at her back.

"Um, hello?" I called, hoping to wake them up.

They did not stir.

I sighed and walked to them. "Wake up~" I sang while shaking them.

Finally the opened their eyes.

The red head looked wide eyed at me while the blonde one looked in horror.

"Um, do you people know where the heck am I?'' I asked.

They looked shocked,"Caitlin?!"

Then I stared at them,"Jessica? Alice?"

Then we all screamed together,"HOLY SHOES OF WISDOM!!!!"

Well at least I did, the other two said a bad word. :(

"Caitlin your hair!" They yelled at me.

"What?!" I asked then looked at them,"Alice I like your hair, Jessica go dye it back.

They looked confused, but then we decided to look at our reflection in the river.

I now had bright pink hair that almost blinded me and had light blue eyes that were almost neon. My hair had bangs that were cut straight, and ended at my hip. My hair was completely straight, choppy, and my bangs covered half my eyes. I was wearing a purple t-shirt, a black jacket, black sinny jeans, and black boots. 

DAMN!!!!! WHY THE HELL IA MY HAIR PINK?! OF ALL COLORS WHY PINK?!!!!! Oh well, I could be punk or something.

I then noticed that I had sharp canine teeth, not like a vampire, but almost like a cat. I also noticed how my pupils were like wide slits. So instead of my pupil being like this: o, it was like this: (). 

I combed my hand through my now long pink hair. This is going to be difficult, I am not that find if long hair. Suddenly my hand stopped at the top of my head. I felt something soft and fluffy. I looked at my reflection, and there stood two black cat ears. 

I screamed.


Jessica and Alice looked at me shocked. I pointed at the top of my head. They screamed too.






"At least you don't have a tail. Ah wait never mind I see it."

"=3=" I said before shoving on a hat I found.


When I finally calm down I look at Alice and Jessica.

Alice had beautiful grey eyes that reflected so much light, they looked like they were sparkling. She was wearing a black jacket with a red tshirt and a black skirt. She also had on red knee high socks and black shoes. 

Jessica had hot pink colored eyes that's pupils were narrow, like mine, but her's were narrower and more slit like. She had on a grey sweat shirt, black skirt, white knee high socks, and black converse.

I started laughing at them,"YOUR WEARING SKIRTS!!!!!!!"

I walked backwards slightly and ran into someone,"Oh, I'm sorry."

The offending object, Uchiha Sasuke, raised a kunai to her neck. 

"Damn Uchihas, always with their damn kunai, holding up to my beautiful neck.." I mumbled before grabbing the Kunai bare handedly, AGAIN.

"CAITLIN!" Alice and Jessica shouted as she started bleeding again.

"WHAT?" I whined trying to shake off the blood from my bleeding wound.

"THAT WAS THE SECOND TIME YOU DID THAT!" Jessica scolded, in a "What the hell is wrong with you?" voice.

"I know, and?" I responded.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Alice asked.

"Well, I did it before, so it doesn't hurt as much as the first time." I said wiping my bleeding hand on Kakashi who appeared out of no where.

Sakura, who was stalking Sasuke came out too, and Naruto, who was stalking Sakura, came out three.

Wait a minute.

Kakashi, Naruto, ugly who- I mean Sakura, and Duckbutt.....

"HOLY SHIT!!!!!!" I shouted pointing at them.

Jessica facepalmed,"You just notice?"

ALice shook her head.

"Well I'm slow." I said.

"We know, Caitlin, we all know of your issues."

I nodded slowly.

Then Kakashi asked,"Where are you from."

"We are from- HEY, ALICE YOUR TOO MEAN!!!!!!!" I shouted just realizing what she said,"I DO NOT HAVE ISSUES!!!''

Jessica gave me the LOOK,"You talk to your reflection. You pretend your a carrot. And lets not forget that you come up with these insane stories."


Kakashi then asked,"Who are you, you are on Fire country property, you'll have to see the Hokage."

"Yay!" I shout, maybe he could help us!!!!


the end, im sooo tired






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