Chapter 50: Everyone Hates Eachother

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I'm so sorry for not updating in SUCH a long time T.T

My laptop is seriously mega broken and it PISSES ME OFF

I'm at the library right now, thats why I can type this....

JHopefully things will be posted up much faster (Last day of school is TOMORROW WOOHOO)

Oh god, good bye middle school, hello high school T.T

Anyway, I'll stop rambling so you can read this! :)


Narrator's Pov

The next few hours after that? Lets just say that it was a mess. Rin was absolutelty the most irritating thing on the planet for Alice. Rin would disappear randomly, scoff at the two, and was basically acting like an arrogant bitch. As for Kira, she was amused with the way Rin was pissing of Alice.

They were currently building a shelter to sleep in for the night in the tree branches.

"You could have at least helped with gathering firewood, instead of just sitting there!" Alice called to Rin after letting the pile of sticks she collected clatter to the floor.

Rin continued staring ahead, giving no indication she heard her friend. "Hey!" Alice called, but yet again recieved no response. "HEY."

Rin slowly blinked her red eyes befoe looking down at her uninterested. "At least help." said Alice.

 No warning was given as everything around them was consumed in fire, but just as quickly as it came, it was gone. Only the sticks brought by Alice were left aflame.

Alice's eyes burned with annoyance at Rin, who simply got up and started walking away. "Where are you going?!"

But nothing was said before she disappeared completely.

"Her demon side is such a bitch." Kira stated, causing Alice to snort.

"You can say that again."


It was at night when everybod was sleeping that Rin returned from her walk. Her eyes glowed in the pitch blackness. Though it was dark, she could see perfectly well as if it were day, actually she saw better than if it was day.

She sat down and leaned againsr the tree and slept.


Rin's eyes flew open and she hissed,"They're in trouble." She flung herself off the tree branch and began skipping them towards where she sensed the disturbance. Another demon chakra far more sinister and powerful than hers.

She stopped when she saw the other half of her team, Naruto passed out and pinned to a tree, Sakura really tuckered out, and Sasuke looking as if he was about to pass out. In front of them was Orochimaru. Looking way creepier than in the anime. 

Rin popped a lolli in her mouth, she didn't need it, unlike her original, but she developed a habit along with her counter part.

She glanced at Naruto, she was sure it was his chakra she sensed, but if so why was he passed out. Rin closed her eyes trying to tap into her original's memories. A look of annoyance crossed her face, the Original (Who I am going to refer to as Caitlin when in demon form) was reluctant to share her memories, but finally Caitlin allowed it.

Rin grunted in admiration. The five element seal? Pretty good.

Right then, Sakura spotted her. "Rin!" She cried out in a relieved voice,"Rin! Help us! Please!"

Sasuke paid attention to what she was shouting at,"Rin! Thank-" He cut off as he took in the color of her eyes and the expression she wore. His eyes widened, that was-

"Why should I?" Rin remarked, tilting her head,"All you guys ever are is annoying, perhaps it would be fun to watch you get slaughtered."

Sakura's face drained of color as her eyebrows furrowes,"What?"

"Her eyes. Sakura look at her eyes. Her lock is gone, that isn't Rin." Sasuke said glaring, knowing just how unpredictable this Rin was.

The girl herself laughed without humor,"You humans are pathetic, you will never get it. The one you call Rin is me, we are the same. However her name isn't Rin, that was te name given to her in this world. Rin is both of us, but she isn't Rin."

Puzzle crossed the two's fces,"Wha?"

Orochimaru gave is creepy laugh,"Oh I see whats going on here!" He turned to Rin and gave her a cruel smirk,"The one they call Rin isn't Rin, its you, yes? A split personality caused by a seal, the extremities of the two different races drawn to polars, this is very interesting."


Rin's Pov

Then suddenly he was infront of me, I almost stpeed back, but caught myself. I refuse to show a sign of weakness.

My chin was lifted up and I met his eyes, is snake like pupils meeting mine. I heated up my skin causing him to hiss and pull his hand away.

"Don't touch me." I said monotonously.

His smle widened,"Interesting powers, you're a hafling, correct? Those three always talked about you and your friends while I was spying on them."

I shot glares at Sasuke and Sakura who both flinched. Those idiots I will kill them right now.

"Tell me Rin, is there anyway to become a hafling without being born to it?"


"Thats what people said at the thought of a Half breed."

"And look at me!" I shouted, starting to lose my cool. "Both minds fighting for dominance, the only wasy to survive without killing myself is to have this damned seal on me to keep  me and the Original from fighting! I don't even know who I am! Half of me is gone missing! Sealed away because I could kill her and she could kill me, possibly killing both of ourselves in the process! Its disgusting, horrifying and frightening!"

With every sentence I stepped closer to  him, a trail of flames in my wake, with each shout the fire getting bigger and bigger.

He frowned disappointedly,"Well then you are definelty not a candidate for my experiments." He turned around and his neck sudden;y elongated and flew at Sasuke.

My eyes widened as a wall of fire erupted between the two, causing said snake dude to glare at me from the corner of his eyes,"I'll have to take care of you first."

I jumped back several trees and landed just in time to see several shuriken fly at me. I dodged each with ease, which I guess he was planning on. As I narrowly dodged one of the weapons another  grazed my shoulder. Only creating a shallow wound, but effectively cutting my necklace cleanly off.


I groaned before I was pulled into my own mind by another force.

"I hate all of you."


Btw thanks for the 104 fans! I love you guys all so much I wouldn't be where I am without you!

Best wishes!

Into the Naruto World! I wonder if they have chocolate...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon