Chapter 55: The Truth

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okay i reread the story and realized that only the first half or a little more of the story is complete crap the rest is half crap so

i will continue from here

so enjoy the chapter :)



Narrator's Pov

Rin's eyes opened immediately, its crimson color burning against the whites of her eyes, and bolted upright. She looked at her hands, clenching them and unclenching them. An unfamiliar grin spread across her face, one that Caitlin's friends have never seen before.

Alice and Kira looked at eachother nervously, eachone urging the other to say something. After their stare off Kira gulped and faced Rin.

"Uh, Rin? Are you... okay?"

Rin muttered something in response the grin not leaving her face.

Kira leaned in a fraction of an inch,"Uhm, what was that?"

"I'm free!" Rin giggled in someone else's voice, then suddenly jumped into the air, black wings erupting from her back as she soared into the sky,"I'M FREE!"

Alice muttered to Kira,"Do you know what she's talking about?"

Kira shook her head watching as Rin flipped in the air, two jets of flames dancing with her.

Rin grinned as the flamed combined to create an enourmous single flame that consumed her, leaving the other two in shock.

"RIN!" Alice screamed.

The enourmas fire drifted slowly down to the ground. Once it landed, its flames became smaller revealing Rin, wearing her hair down, and in a completely new outfit that consisted of a black body suit, with her leaf headband discarded only to be replaced by an unfamiliar headband.

Alice's eyes widened,"You're not Rin!"

The girl possessing the body of her friend, smiled, narrowing her eyes,"Correct."

"What did you do to her!" Kira shouted, clenching her fists while her feet got into a fighting stance. In reponse the girl gave her an amused look before replying.

"Oh, I was just taking back what's mine. Its about time that you guys do to!" The girls arms were brought up to face the two, a wind sudenly rippling towards them.

The two froze, their eyes flickering between colors before Kira fell to the ground clutching her head and Alice's eyes stopped at a sparkly gray.

Kira immediately backed away,"Alice! Whats-" Her eyes widened at what she saw, Alice was clutching the girl's wrist forcefully.

"Explain to me whats going on, demon!" Alice said forcefully resulting in Kira sighing in relief, it was still Alice.

The girl hissed, wrenching her arm from Alice. "Figures she wouldn't tell you, the only one without a seal! And don't call me demon, I have a name!"

"Well maybe you should tell us?" Kira said with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

The girls eyes flashed between the two. "I am Kirai. And Hana reveal yourself to these parasites!"

Suddenly Alice screamed and fell to the ground frantically looking around for the voice that she was hoping was not in her head, only to realize that it was.

"Shit! Alice whats going on?" Kira said getting up and running to her.

"Everything we thought..." She started.

Kira pressed on,"What are you talking about?"

"Everything we thought,"She continued,"Everything the Hokage thought, was wrong."

Kira only got more confused,"What are you talking about?"

"We don't belong here."

Kira glared evenly at the girl who revealed herself as Kirai,"What did you do?"

Kirai shrugged. "Oh nothing just revealed to her the truth," she spat the last part forcefully.

"What truth?"

Alice stood up,"Okay Hana told me everything, how do we help you guys?"

Kira twitched, not liking at all that she was the only here out of the loop. She decided the smart thing to do was just listen what they have to say and figure it out.

"Summoning your bodies would probably help, but then we need to seperate your spirits." Kirai said shrugging again.

Alice nodded and started making hand signs in which Kirai interrupted by grabbing one of her hands,"Don't be an idiot you need to figure out how to seperate your spirits first."

Alice narrowed her eyes,"Well how did you and Caitlin get seperated then since I don't have a seal to take off completely."

Kirai smirked and was about to answer before being cut off by a completely confused Kira,"Okay so I thought if I heard you guys talk more I'd figure it out, but I have no idea whats going on."

Kirai's eyes grew cold and in a deep voice she said,"If you ever interrupt me again I will not hesitate to kill you, there is no Rin or Caitlin holding me back anymore."

"I'll explain." Alice spoke,"Hana told me everything."

"Who the fuck is Hana?"

"Hana is..." Alice sucked in a breath,"Hana is the name of the soul who'se body I inhabited."

Kira's eyes widened,"What?"

"Let me explain,"Alice said again causing  Kira to twitch, again, slightly annoyed that she needed something explained to her, Wasn't it usually her explaining things to Rin or Alice?

"We are not suppose to exist in this world, right. And when the Akatsuki kidnapped us they took us away completely, right?"

Kira nodded.

"Wrong, they only took our souls into this world, they only made it seem like we were completely abducted to make us think these were our own bodies being represented in another dimention.

"These bodies aren't actually half breed, they asked the question about it probably just to throw us off. In reality we are possessing a pure breed body, only are human souls have invaded it making it appear half breed."

Kira's eyes widened once more,"Are you serious?" She looked at Kirai who nodded at her. "So then what about the akatsuki?"

Kirai spoke with venom,"The akatsuki have wanted our species power for ages, we dont belong in this part of the ninja world and we don't like coming here either. But they tricked each of us cause us to come within borders. It was only for a few seconds, but they were ready and just as we were escaping they pushed your souls incide our bodies. 

"This made us weaker of course allowing our capture to be easier, however we landed in Konoha territory, complicating their plans lucky enough."

Kirai seemed to realize somthing before hastily adding,"We would've escaped if we didn't just come out of a battle of course. We are strong, but we caused our escape to be slow because Akane and I were fighting when they appeared with of course Hana trying to be the peace maker like the damn goody two shoes she is."

"I take it I'm inhabiting Akane's body then?" Kira asked.

Kirai nodded.

"Okay, now that thats over, how did you get your body back and where is Rin?" Alice asked.

The demon laughed,"Oh thats simple. I killed her while were both inside our body."

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