Chapter 12: Alice is good with kids?! O.o And so cliche -__-

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srry i didn't update yesterday X(

anyway here is the new chapter!!!!

I dreww beautiful drawings today



bet you are >:)



Rin's Pov

Alice took care of the Aimi the whole day. And I mean the WHOLE FRICKEN DAY! Seriously, she's good with babies. I mean, I'm good with kids ages 4 and up, but babies? Sure they are cute, but thye annoy the hell out of me.

And Alice usually got annoyed easily, so this REALLY surprised me.

Anyway, right now all the kids were sleeping in their rooms, because they weren't cool enough to stay up. XD

So, us awesome people were bored, so I decided to summon some movies. I AM SO SMART XD

What movies? Only the awesomest fricken movies ever! I summoned "The 12 Dancing Princesses", ROFL,  and Shrek the Third.


We watched the barbie movie first. >:D

So on the sofa was Alice and me. I was laying down and taking up 75% of the couch so Alice had to sit up. Heheheh, sorry alice.

Everyone else was on the floor, but Sakura was still passed out in the pantry and Naruto was having nightmares in the kitchen. Also, Kakashi wasn't their because he went to read his pervy books outside where ther is less noise.

In Alice's words,"He fails at life."

Anyway, throughout the movie I yelled random comments such as,"STUPID MONKEY!" or,"OMGGGG THAT IS SO SAD!!!"

And Alice was yelling,"YOU BLUE HAIRED BITCH!!!! JUST GO DIE IN A HOLE!!!"

Kira and Sasuke were trying to ignore us.

Losers :P

After that movie we put in Shrek and I started to get sleepy.

Eyelids so heavy.......

So tired....



Narrator's Pov

No one noticed Rin was sleeping except for Sasuke who got hit on the head with her limp hand.

Ow, What the? He thought then he looked up at sleeping Rin. She looks so peaceful.... He shook the thoughts from his head and turned to the tv. 

This did not go unnoticed. Alice was smiling evilly at them, The prank is totally gonna be entertaining.

After the movie Kira yawned,"Well we are going up to Airi's room, she has extra mattresses. Gnight." She started to climb the stairs.

Alice then stretched,"Oi, Kira wait up!" She started to run after Kira.

"Hey, wait." Sasuke called to them.

Only Alice responded and turned. She glared, she hated Sasuke, but she had to put up with him, for now at least,"What?!"

He pointed at a sleeping Rin,"What do I do with this?"

Alice smiled evilly,"I dunno, go take her to Aiko's room. She's too fat for me to carry." Alice then skipped up the stairs.

Sasuke sighed and tried to wake Rin up.

"Rin! Rin! Wake up!" He started to shake her, but was met with a swift punch to the face.

What the hell?! He screamed in his mind as his eyes darted back to Rin. She was still sleeping. 

Alice called from Airi's room,"Oh since back at our world, her sister tries waking her up a lot, she's developed reflexes." This was followed by a laugh.

Sasuke groaned. And he picked up Rin bridal style and started to walk up the stairs.

Holy shit, she's heavy. What is she made up, bricks?

As if reading his mind, Rin kicked in her sleep right at his face.

"Ow! Damn!" He whispered and he dropped her into the room.

Literally, dropped.

She landed with a heavy plunk. AND GUESS WHAT?!

She was still asleep. -__-

She rolled over to her side androlled up into a little ball.

Sasuke sweatdropped, What the hell is wrong with her?

He kicked her onto her mattress thing, (it was  only a mattress so its really low) and she immedialy snuggled into the blankets whispering something.

Sasuke shook his head and he layed in his mattress and fell asleep.


Sasuke awoke to feel the floor shaking.

What the hell? 

He looked over at Rin.

She was trembling and had an outbreak of sweat on her forehead. Her expression was of discomfort.

Was she having a nightmare?

Sasuke glanced at her outstretched hand which was close to him.

It was clenching and unclenching.

". . ."

He sighed and looked at her. There is no way I'm getting any sleep with her annoying shaking.

So he did what any guy in a shoujo manga would do.

He held her hand.


How creepy.


Anyway, his hand had slowly inched towards hers, and once he held it she immediately stopped shaking.

Of course, how cliche -__-

Rin began to relax and had a peaceful expression on her face.

Sasuke shook his head and fell asleep.

And guess who was watching?

Thats right........ Alice.... jk, It was actually Kakashi.

Kakashi was walking to get a glass of water and happened to peer through the open door.

He smiled under his mask and continued walking.

Totally cliche.

Anyway everybody was asleep soon enough.

Yeah, thats it....


wow this chapter totally sucked

i mean, nothing really happened except for that cliche hing.


oh well..

enjoy the shoujo-ness!!




see ya later <3 

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