Chapter 29: Idiots

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Narrator's Pov

"I'm sorry we don't carry any here." The shop keeper told Rin.

She was in a shop, located in the town. 

Rin sighed,"Its fine, thank you anyway." She bowed and walked out.

Her eyes dartd around looking at the shops. Which would have it....

Suddenly she felt a hand close around her wrist and pulled on her.

Her heartbeat faster as she was in a state of panic. Her eyes opened wide and she let out an earsplitting shriek.

 A hand covered her mouth and she started to shake. 

A deep voice said,"Be quiet."

She froze, she didn't recognize the voice. Shit.


A high pitched and rather loud scream reached the ears of the four.

They all jumped and covered their ears. "Argh!"

The sound was so high pitched and loud. It felt as though their ears were being torn into two, the scream cutting it into halves. The sound left a pounding headache, and they could actually feel the frequency. The sound made their bones shake and their teeth rattle. 

By this time most of them fell to their knees.

Finally, it had stopped.

Sasuke let go of his ears and looked in the direction it came from. He glared.

Alice calmly got up and dusted herself off, seemingly unfazed by the screaming, she was use to it,"I'd recgnize that scream any where."

Kira nodded and stood up,"Its definetly Rin."

With that they all ran toward the sound.

Once they were in the city they looked around. Where are they?

Sasuke was getting frustrated and punched the ground.

Naruto laughed,"Relax, Sasuke-teme, we'll probably find her."


That was Rin's voice!

Everyone spun at the source of the yelling, it was an alley. As they walked into the alley, they noticed how it was dimly lit.

They heard some muttering.


They peered over a few boxes and saw Rin against the wall and an unfamiliar man standing over her.

"Rin!" Sasuke shouted.

She snapped her head toward the voice and grinned,"Oh hey guys!"

She faced the man again,"Thats a rip off, how about 2 dollars?"

The man shook his head,"For this whole bag?" He held up a red sack filled with something they could not identify.

Rin sighed,"Fine 3."

The man nodded and held out his hand. Rin dug through a pouch on her hip and pulled out three dollars and handed it to the man.

The man grinned,"Pleasure doing business." Then he walked out of the alley.

Rin opened the bag and smiled at the contents, she then attached the bag near her hip pouch and walked to her friends.

Rin scratched her head,"Hey sorry, I took so lo-"

"Idiot." Sasuke interrupted.

Rin looked at him in shock then glared,"Excuse me?"

"Do you know how worried we all were?!" He yelled.

Rin suddenly felt really small. "Sorry!" She squeaked terrified.

Suddenly she was in a bonecrushing hug. Her eyes widened in shock

Who- She looked up and saw Sasuke glaring at something behind her.

"I was so worried." She heard him mutter.

She blushed a million shades of red and squeaked as she felt her ears pop out.

She pushed him away and tried to push her ears down. "Dafuq? I thought the seal was strong?"  She also noticed her tail was back too.

Then she remembered from an episode in Naruto shippuden.

"I think the seal is in the process of weakening." Jiraiya said to Kakashi.

Rin took the locket in her hand and tightened her fist around it, It is true for Naruto's, but what about mine?

Rin shook my head dismissing the thought. Rin laughed nervously,"Must because I was shocked."

Kira grinned,"Or embarrassed.."

Rin blush's returned and  felt an ear twitch in annoyance.

She was about to argue that it didn't happen while she fell down the stairs on their first mission, but stopped.

What if she comes to the same conclusion as I did?

Then she realized something worse.

What if she realizes I would've just told her that I was embarrassed then?!

She was definetly not going to say that so she settled for glaring.

Kira laughed,"Oh maybe its true?"

Rin punched her playfully on the arm.

Alice forced out a laugh, her thought from before still on her mind. She had to tell Rin. But.. she couldn't! This was her fault!

It remained on her mind for a while

They headed home.

"Oh why were you shouting 'NO'?" Naruto asked Rin.

Rin chuckled,"Oh that.....Well, he wanted me to pay 5 dollars for the bag! What a rip off!"

"Whats in the bag?' Kira asked.

"Oh, uh, its a surprise!" Rin said smiling.

Alice got all up in her face,"Its drugs isn't it."

Rin facepalmed,"NO!"

She shook her head, These people...

"Just don't do something like that ever again." 

Rin turned to face Sasuke,"Okay, Mr. Boss-of-my-life!"

Sasuke smirked and ruffled her hair.

Rin closed one eye, so her hair couldn't hurt it and furrowed her eyebrows,"Hey, don't-"

Then his hand lighty touched one of her cat ears.

She squeaked and shoved him away, turning completely red. He looked mildly surprised, but shrugged it off and continued walking.

Then something clicked. 

The time when they were locked in that room, and this time...

I get it.. He smirked.

Rin dismissed what happened and smiled at her two best frends,"Why were you guys so worried anyway?"

Everyone looked away from her with a guilty look.

"WHAT?!" She said loudly.

Everyone started whistling.

"Okay, fine, I see how it is." Then she went to her emo corner.

Everyone started to sweat nervously.

She motioned that she was watching us,"I'm on to you guys!"

We just looked around still guilty.

"DAMMIT JUST TELL ME OR IMMA ShOOT YOU WITH A...a...uh....uhm...a...shuriken?"

Kira started laughing and fell,"FAIL, Rin. Just, FAIL!"

She pouted and looked away.

Kira patted her on the back,"Come on!"

Into the Naruto World! I wonder if they have chocolate...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant