Chapter 27

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Alice's Pov

"You guys seem bored by yourself." Tazuna said to us, noticing how we were sitting 3 meters apart. "I would think you girls would be talking up a storm."

Sakura twithced and I snorted.

"We aren't exactly best friends." I stated glancing at her.

"So where's the blonde kid and the other?" Tazuna asked.

"They're training." I said.

"You guys don't have to?" 

Sakura smirked,"Since I am so superior Kakashi asked me to protect you."

Tazuna looked disbelievingly at her,"Really?"

I laughed and reassured him,"Its fine, I'm here to make sure you guys don't die! I'm the coolest one!" I gave a thumbs up.

He smiled.

"Hey Tazuna!"

I started to hear yelling about someone leaving, or something.

Poor guy. :(


"Whats  up with this village?" Sakura asked looking around.

"What? Actually, I'm sure there are plenty of places like this in my world, maybe even worse." I said thinking back on the places like Africa, India, the Phillippines.

"What do you mean by your world?" Tazuna asked.


He sweatdropped.

The little kid ran up to Sakura and she gave them candy.

I started to back away from her,"YOU HAVE A HEART?!"

She grew a vein,"YEAH!"

"Oh My Gosh!!!!!!" I yelled. Then I stated to shake violently while muttering,"The world is ending....."

Tazuna chuckled.


Kira's Pov

I finally passed Sasuke and was almost up the tree. Suddenly the bark cracked under me and I started to fall.

"Shit!" I shouted, landing on my hands and proceeding to do back flips to slow my self down.

I glared at the tree.

Damn tree!!!!

I ran at it again.


Rin's Pov

"THIS ISN'T MAKING ME ANY CALMER!!!!!!" I screamed at Kakashi glaring.

He sighed.

I swallowed. "I'm sorry. I'm just so frustrated!!" I sat down and sighed deeply. I hid my head in my knees.

He patted my head,"Don't worry we'll find something."

"I hope your right." I said dismally. I was living my dream, and I can't even do it right! I'm hopeless.


Back at the house.

We started to eat.

Sasugay and Naruto started shoving food down their throats and regurgitating it back out. Gross.

"Don't eat if you're going it throw it back up!" Sakura shouted.

"No I must eat." Sasuke stated.

"Yeah, we have to no matter what. To get stronger!" Naruto said.

I smiled,"I agree that people need to eat more to get stronger, but...."

Alice inturrupted me,"You'll become fat, then throw up and die!"

"And explode!" I added.

"And burn!" Jessica inputted.

They started to sweat nervously and stopped.

Hahah Funny.

I started to eat.

And it was silent.

"Wow its really quiet." Kakashi stated.

Alice laughed,"I swear, the only time we are quiet is if we are eating."


I stood up,"Thats brilliant!" I then ran out of the house, going to the market place.

"do any of you know where she's going?" Kakashi asked.

"Buying a unicorn farting out rainbows?" Alice said randomly.

Jessica said,"I think so too."

That settled that, and they kept eating.

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