Chapter 47: Go Fish

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Sorry havent been updating, I just dont feel like it :(


I'm a horrible person I know.

Forgive me if I apease you with this chapter PLEASE :)


Rin's Pov

Damn my nerves.

"Hey guys, you scared yet?" I asked grinning, trying to mask my nervousness.

Alice looked around her,"Well, yeah." I noticed her finger was tapping her hand at quite a fast pace.

Kira eyed everything that moved warily,"No duh. You seem totally relaxed."

I then noticed I was slouching and that I had a rather bored expression on my face. Well at least my nervousness wasn't obvious.

I straightened up and shook my head,"Well, there's only one thing we gptta do here, right?"

Kira nodded, still trying to take everything in at once,"Get a scroll."

"And make it out alive." Alice inputted.

I smiled,"No no no! Our priorities!"

"And whats that?" Kira asked smirking.

I grinned,"Alice. Got any.... sevens?"

Her face erupted into a mocking smile,"GO FISH!"


Oh. If yo have'nt figured it out yet, we were playing Goldfish. Don't worry! Its not like anyone will see us or anything, we were in a tree. Chill.

So we've been playing for roughly half an hour right now, and no one has even stumbled across us. Lame, right? I mean for ninjas, these people suck! Here we were, not moving from one spot, playing cards, with the occasional yelling of swear words, and no one has found us yet.


Kira looked at us over her cards,"Do you think we should start moving? No one has found us yet."

Alice nodded,"Yeah, I think its best we get out of this forest as soon as possible."

"I agree with you guys, but what should we do with Naruto's team?" I asked.

We all felt silent, Kira and Alice exchanged knowing looks, right before looking at me with unreadable expressions.

I got immediately nervous,"What?"

They looked at eachother again. "Tell me!" I insisted, getting rather annoyed.

"We think we should just leave them alone." Kira said simply, taking a pair from her hand and placing it on the trunk of the tree.

My eyes widned,"What? But why? We can stop Duckass from getting the cursed mark, and he can stay in the village, Naruto might not get his seal thingy- DUDE WE CAN PREVENT THE SHINOBI WAR!"

"But, that is all suppose to happen. We shouldn't mess with time, we don't even belong here." Alice inputted.

"But I-"

"You just don't want Sasuke to leave." They said at the same time.

My mouth gaped in shock and my face heat up, before I fervently began to deny it,"No! It has nothing to do with him! Do you know how Naruto and Sakura felt when he left? Do you know how many people died in that war? Alice, what about Neji?"

Alice shrugged before getting a card from Kira, then proceeding to put it down along with its matching counterpart,"I broke it off after the festival."

My eyes widened,"What? You never told me this!"

She shrugged.

Kira then interjected,"We are ninjas, we have to do whats best. I would help them, but there is no telling what might happen to the future."

Well if she put it like that...

I sighed,"Fine, but I have no idea how I will live with myself when I see other peoples pain to something I could have stopped. Lets get out of this god damn forest before I'm tempted."

Kira nodded and poofed the cards before Alice looked at me solemnly. I gave her a look of indifference before hearing a voice.

"Whats this about the future?" 

We spun around and met the eyes of the source of the voice. You would not believe who it was, seriously. This is really random, but....

We were looking at Kankuro, his siblings standing next to them, looking very interested.

I couldn't help myself and I just let out a really loud,"FUUUUUUUCK."


Finally updated Jesus Christ!

Be thankful! xD

Updats been getting TOOOO slow, srry guys

please bear with me! spring breaks almost here and you know what that means

srry it was short...


So, yeah :) 

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