Chapter 11: Stupid duckbutt.....

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hey guyssss XDDDDDD

u still no answer my question but oh well

i hav decided who to put together, so don't bother and answer my question JUST LIKE THE FIRST TIME >:(


please comment


Rin's Pov

I sat cross legged in Aiko's room which was HUGE!

It could fit 5 of my rooms in there. O.O

Sasuke stood leaning in the doorway probably thinking he looked "cool". Friggin Uchiha ego -___-

Aiko glanced at me.

"Yes...?" I asked.

Aiko smiled sheepishly,"I'm bored."

I chuckled and responded,"Well what do you want to do?"

Aiko thought for a moment,"What about that thing you said earlier. Dust Dance?"

I started laughing,"HAHAHA, its Just Dance!!! XD" Hahaha, Dust Dance.

Aiko slightly blushed,"Uh, yeah, srry... that."

I gave a close eyes smile," mkay! ^__^"

I stood up and rubbed my hands together,"Lets see if I can figure this out!"

I closed my eyes and clasped my hands together, then I yelled,"Summoning Jutsu: Get me the Wii and shit!"

My wii, along with four controllers, the sensor thingy, the wires, extra batteries, and the Just Dance 3 Game, appeared next to me.

I looked at Aiko,"Do you have a tv?"

Aiko looked at me weirdly,Of course I do!" She pointed at  the box that was at the far end of the room, away from any obstructions.

Perfect. >:D

I quickly plugged in and set up everything. After I gave Aiko a wii remote I inserted the disk into the Wii. When it got to the main screen I quickly clicked Just Dance 3.

"What is that?" Sasuke asked looking at the wii.

I glanced at him,"Its called a Nintendo Wii. Its form my world."

He raised an eyebrow,"What does it do?" He looked hopeful....Did he want to play? O.O

I shrugged,"Games, internet, creating mii's, it can do a lot." I smirked and held out a wii remote to him,"Wanna play?"

He slightly blushed and looked off to the side,"Sure."

I laughed and threw the wii remote at him, which he got and adjusted.

After I selected the number of players and crap I explained how to play.

"Okay, so on the screen will be people. Just try to do what they do at the same time as they do it and get the highest score you possibly can."

Sasuke nodded and looked at the screen. Aiko stared at the wii like it was an alien. LOL.

"Hmmmm what song do you guys want?" I asked,"Oh, and I totally rock at this, so your all going to lose." I smiled knowing that now Sasuke and Aiko won't back down.

Sasuke smirked,"Are you sure?"

Aiko now looked determined and cracked a smile,"Bring it on!"

I grinned and selected California Gurls.

Into the Naruto World! I wonder if they have chocolate...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum