Chapter 31

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Hey guys sorry i havent updated in like a week :O so long!!!

well i cant update for another week becausee....

im going on vacation to HAWAII!!!

Maui to be exact xD

my mom wanted to go to south korea or argentina

and my sis wanted to go to hawaii

and i wanted to go to the caribbean

but of course little Dara got to choose. -__-


Rin's Pov

What happened to the bag of skittles?

Alice and Kira ate it together, claiming I was too stupid and fat.

T.T Meanies!

So anyway, I woke up really early, like at 5. I don't know why... So I decided to practice with my mysterious objects I had obtained....

My mom use to tell me that when you wake up for no reason in the middle of the night, someone's watching you. You feel their eyes when your sleeping. Now, after she said that I started freaking out of course. Those ghosts, man!

I shivered remembering it. I shook the creepy thought from my head and walked into the forest, which looked very dark and evil. And of course I had to start skipping into it, I mean, its only logical! :)

I finally got out what I bought from the random guy in the alleyway. Hehehe, still not telling you. :P 

I picked a tree, and summoned the chakra to my feet. When I finally felt ready I ran up the tree. And guess what! THE TREE DIDN'T BLOW UP!!!! Sure it took me like an hour to finally get all the way up the tree, BUT I'M NOT A TREE KILLER!!! :D

After I finally decided to try something to challenge myself. I was nervous, because I hated failing. I hate that feeling you get when you fail, that you can't do anything at all, and that your completely useless.

And of course, I failed the first few times I tried it, but I convinced myself to keep going, because I've known 2 other people who could do it too.


Alice's Pov

"Hey where's Rin?" I asked looking around.

Kakashi shrugged,"We have to go though. Tazuna's waiting at the bridge for us, and Zabuza's probably going to be there too."

I nodded, but knew Rin would hate to miss the fight. Ah, well, her fault. :P


Hmmm, just strolling on the bridge, nothing out of place- OH MY GOD MIST.

"Long time no see Kakashi. I see you still are with those brats. Look the poor kid is shaking." The mist talked.

My eyes widened and I gasped,"OH EM GEE THE MIST IS TALKING."

"Oh its the half breed too."


And the mist ignores me,"The boy is still shaking. Heh."

"I'm shaking.. with excitement." Sasuke said.

What a failed attempt of acting cool.

Kakashi smiled,"Go ahead Sasuke, Alice."

Within a few seconds the inner ring of water clones was sliced by Sasuke and the outer ring, thats right there were two, was dispelled by me. 

"It looks like those kids have grown. A rival, right Haku?" Zabuza said.

"Perhaps." Responded Haku.

"I was right." Kakashi said,"He was lying."

"I'll take care of him." Sasuke said.

I rolled my eyes,"Yeah, but when you get your butt kicked don't ask for my help."

I hate him. I hate him so much.


Meanwhile, Tazuna's daughter was getting kidnapped and Rin was still no where to be found.



srry guys writers block xD

at last i tried......

maybe after hawaii i would want to write..





THough id seriously doubt it


or maybe im not O.o

you will never know!!!







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