Chapter 36:

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hey guys, this chapter again is thanks to kiku


her death threats were starting to scare me so, yup, here i am

the last chapter seemed rushed, srry

well at least to me

idk bout you guys

tell me what you think!



Kira's Pov

So maybe I seemed a little carefree today. Actually, I wasn't. What Rin told me about her encounter with the secret leader of Akatsuki.

(If you guys didn't know that, I'm sorry about it, but this is a fanfic, spoilers are everywhere.)

I knew, they wouldn't just take us here and leave us, but I was kinda hoping for smooth sailing, at least until shippuden when they're suppose to show up. 

What would they want with us anyway?

Why did they even drag us here in the first place?

So many questions bubbled in my mind, and it was if, if I found one of the answers, a dozen more questions popped up in its place.

I narrowed my eyes. We had to train. If we didn't....

Then it struck me.

This isn't a story anymore. This was real. We could die with the snap of somebody's fingers. Its not like we played a role in this story, if we died, nothing would happen, right? What if all four of us get killed off sooner or later, just because we didn't even fit into this world. If we died, the story would go on, unlike Naruto. Actually, it would make more sense if we died.

We would most likely die. There is a 75% chance we would die.



This is not good, the sooner we return to our own story, I mean world, the better.


Alice's Pov

Tobi, hmmmm, didn't think he'd show up this early in the story.

Ah well, can't help it, we just gotta beat the crap out of people and we're good! :D


Kiku's Pov

How long has it been since I was abducted into this world. I don't even remember how I got here. I hope its like one of those fantasies that when you go into a new world and try to come back, zero time has passed.

Cough-Narnia-Cough, Cough. The queen in Narnia wasn't even hot, she looked like Sasuke who tried to get transgender surgery..And dyed his hair....And eyes...Yeah.

What was I thinking about?

Eh, forget it.

Wait I'm holding something, dafuq.

I looked in my hand to find that I had absentmindedly formed a bird from ice. 

When was I holding ice?

Eh, I'll invade Rin's house and have a MIDNIGHT GET TOGETHER!!! :D

And drag Kira and Alice of course!

We'll stalk the guys!

Just kidding!!

Or maybe not! O.o



5 Minutes Later


"*yawns* No."

"If you don't I'll write on your forehead,'FREE LAPDANCE' And shove you into duckfaces house!" 


There was a loud thump, signaling Rin had fallen.

You could practically hear Kira's sweatdrops.



Done short chapter

being threatened to write so,





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