Chapter 34: Targeted

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Rin's Pov

Where the heck am I?

Right now all that surrounds me is blackness, and it was really cold, as if there was no living thing within miles. Is this death?

I shivvered slightly, rubbing my hands against eacother and breathing into them. It was not only cold, but the whole setting seemed off.

The air I breathed was stale and dry, and the darkness seemed to be ging on forever as I walked.

Is this death?

Finally I saw a fire, barely showing light in a 3 foot radius. 

I walked toward it quickly, warming my hands against it, embracing the feeling of the warmth seeping into my frozen skin. 

I saw something move slightly out of the corner of my eye and I spun around brandishing  a few shuriken in each hand as I slipped into a defensive stance.

My eyes narrowed as I noticed a figure standing just right outside the light  of the fire.

I growled warningly before I spoke in a cold voice,"Who are you?"

The figure steppen closer, into the light and I could now see his face- erm, I mean mask.

My eyes widened at him,"Why are you here?!"

"You seem to know me." He spoke in a deep voice.

"Tobi." I spat,"This is my death, correct? Why are you here?!"   

Did I mention I absotlutely hate Tobi. No? Well now you know!

"You act different than with everyone else." He stated.

I glared at him,"Your a stranger."  To that he let out an amused chuckle.

"You seem to know about me, and I know a lot about you." 

I observed him, it doesn't seem like he'll attack me. "Why are you here?" I asked for the third time, but now sounding genuinely curious.

"I am here to merely talk." He responded.

I got out of my stance and put the shuriken back in the holster, I did not, howevver, let up on my glare,"And where is here, exactly?"

"We are in what people call Kyomu. One dimension that borders on reality and death." He said.

"Kyomu?" I questioned.

"Kyomu, is what people from your dimension would call 'limbo'." He said as if explaining to a two year old.

"Limbo? You mean where people go if they aren't going to heaven or hell? Why am I here?" I demanded.

"Merely because it isn't your time to die." He said, sounding amused. "Yet."

"I see." I stated. I then drew a breath before looking back at him,"What is this 'talk' you wanted to have with me?"

He then looked at me, and I could see the sharingan behind his mask. "Do you know why Akatsuki has dragged you and your friends into this world?"

By now my glare had melted into a bored expression,"I dunno, our power? You want the power from our otherselves, right."

His eyes flashed for some reason,"Correct, your smarter than I thought."

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