Chapter 44: Rin vs Kira

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Aliharuka and jessica, ive decided not to put in what i originally planned, so ill just go on with the story k :)


Alice's Pov


I was suddenly violently thrown out of nice, warm and inviting bed onto the cold ground. My head made a painful smack against the hard laminate floors.


The sound of glass breaking interrupted Kira's irritated screaming. There was silence for a moment. Are they okay-


I suddenly heard heavy footsteps come at me then hop over me to continue running. I opened my eyes to see pink pigtails disappear out the window. 

"RIN! COME BACK HERE YOU IDIOT! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?" Another set of footsteps thundered toward me. Ah no.


A giggle came from outside the window,"RIN YOU MOTHER-"

I yawned,"What did she do?"

Kira was red with anger and even had a vein popping out of her forehead. "She frickin threw a vase AT MY HEAD! IF I HADN'T DUCKED I WOULD BE DEAD!"

She glanced down at me,"Get dressed, we were suppose to meet Kakashi 5 minutes ago! He has something important to tell us."

A huge crach sounded outside and a "Whoops" could be heard.



Rin's Pov

She's gonna kill me, totally gonna kill me.


Yup, definetly gonna kill me.

She should be happy I was atleast dressed, I mean, Alice was still in her pjs! So what if I was sleeping in the bathtub to pretend I was getting ready? Thats normal?


Well to me it is! And she was nagging me so much! I had to throw that vase! She was so darn annoying! I believed thats a good reason....

No, not even I believe thats a good reason. Ah well, I did it already. No reason to regret it ne?


A kunai soared dangerously close to my head and lodged into a wooden building near me. I looked back and saw Kira sprinting after me, looking VERY mad.


A shuriken, aimed for my forehead sailed straight at me. My eyes widened and I quickly ducked. Damn, she's serious...

"Look, Kira, funny story-"


She was running at me. Shit, any closer she'd kill me. She was way better at taijutsu then me. Cmon think Rin, think!


I popped a lollipop into my mouth and concentrated on my finger tips. Blue chakra string flew at Kira.

Her eyes narrowed as she tried to dodge them. "Rin, you're only making me madder."

C'mon strings, I know your not that strong, and I haven't practiced you in a while, but my life is in danger so, y'kno?

One got attached to Kira's foot.


Then they all failled and vanished.


She was getting closer and closer. C'mon, Rin think!

I looked around and saw a tree. I smirked, I have an idea! :)

I ran and put my fingers in a jutsu,"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" 5 Rins,  in cluding I, the real one, split up. 

Kira screeched to a stop and did the same, following all the Rins with a clone. But when she stopped she gave me a head start.

I quickly did Transformation jutsu and turned one of my clones along with me into a tree.

Okay, I must now act like a tree.

"What are you guys doing?" I heard a bored voice call out. One of my clones turned back into a image of me and looked up at Kakashi who was reading a book, in another tree. A lot of trees today, ne?

"Dude, Kakashi! She's gonna kill me!" My clone told him. 

"Mmmhmmm." He stated continuing to read his book. "Anyway, you guys were late to our meet up-"

I snorted,"Like you weren't.."

"-So here is some paperwork you need to fill out." He threw me 3 copies of a sheet labeled,"Registration for the Chunnin exams." 

"Remember to turn it in by 3" He continued. (A/N:Idk if its right, I can't remember.) "And you don't have to do it if you don't want to."

Then he poofed away.

"RIN!" I heard Kira's voice shout, she was running up to me.

"Hey wait, I have the Chunnin exams papers, if you hurt me, I'm gonna eat yours!"

She growled in frustration,"Fine." I handed her the paper. Once the paper left my hands she threw a backhand at my face, but I poofed away. I was afterall a clone.


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