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Long long Ago lived a girl named Elizabeth Marie Andrews, she was born in 1846, May 1st. She had an older brother named Archibald Andrews who was born in 1840. Her father Fredrick Andrews was quite the name in the small town of Riverdale along with her mother Alicia Smith Andrews. She grew up happily being taught by her mother and brother how to be a women but also how to be tough and brave. Her father definitely adored his youngest...in his strange ways. Archibald was taught to be a man of the house, responsible, but also how to treat a women, his mother wanted him to be prepared if one day he did seem to have found the perfect wife. And it was helpful because when Elizabeth began growing up he understand to never be upset but to help his little sister. Something his mother adored in him, he would always help his younger sister. No matter what it was he put her first and love her the most he could. From that day forth they grew up happily. All together as one family.

Elizabeth was now 17 and in her carriage as she saw the flower shop.

"Stop the carriage!" She shouted laughing.

She was helped out as she smiled walking inside.

"Ahh Miss Andrews, what may I do for you?" The florist asked her.

She smiled and said "I love the roses and lilies, I will take a dozen please?"

The women laughed and said "my...payment?"

Elizabeth nodded and went back into her cart but before she could she saw a man giving money to the women.

Elizabeth said "Miss Olivia I have it..."

Suddenly Olivia said "well, this fine young man bought them. Accept it."

She whispered the last part.

Elizabeth looked at the man, charming and dapper, with a smile on his face and the hat that made him silly but she enjoyed it.

His blue eyes captivated her into a trance she had never felt before. She stared at him longer seeing his soft black hair began to move as he took off his hat. Her heart bested faster than it ever could.

"Forsyth Pendleton Jones..." he presented himself as.

He held her hand and kissed above the fabric.

She smiled saying "Elizabeth Andrews...it's nice to meet you."

He smiled as she asked "are you new to Riverdale?"

He nodded saying "passing by."

She smiled and said "thank you for the flowers..."

He smiled and nodded as she smiled and women came back with a basket.

The man grabbed it saying "no women shall carry a basket all by herself."

She laughed as he helped her get them into her carriage.

She said "uhh...well I must be off before it gets dark."

He smiled and she said "it was nice to meet you..."

He nodded and he helped her inside the carriage and he closed the door. As the carriage moved and the horses walked she looked through the window seeing him get on his own horse and run off. She smiled holding a flower and laughed.

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