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Archie's POV
I was with Veronica as she said "she's gonna go after all of her friends we need to help her Archie."

I said "we have to kill her! I did it to one classmate now I must do it again!"

She grabbed me saying "you kill her I will fucking hate you forever..."

I sighed and she said "we need to help her please Archie..."

I frowned and said "if she tries anything I have to...for my family. I'm sorry Veronica, but I've lived this life to know some people either can't handle it or already want to die! My sister and I just got our mother back and I'm not letting anyone take that happiness away. I'm sorry but after not seeing my mom for over 100 years I'm going to be selfish right now."

She sighed nodded and said "then we're both doing different plans than."

She walked off and I groaned walking away. I saw a tree and I broke the branch and made the stake. I saw Betty and our mother with Jughead as I walked over.

My mother asked "Archie are you okay?"

I nodded and suddenly Betty said "oh my god..."

Jughead asked "what's wrong?"

I said "crap..."

Jughead shouted "what!"

Our mother said "blood...it's blood..."

Betty began walking and Jughead followed her.

"Who would want to hurt her?" Jughead asked.

I said "I dunno."

We suddenly saw Cheryl alone with a body and I walked over but Betty grabbed my hand.

"She's just a kid Archie she knows no better."

I said "I'm not fucking have you, mom or me get hurt! She dies!"

She said "no Archie...this is someone who has a family, who has friends...please Archie..."

I said "I'm sorry Betty..."

She said "no...I'm sorry."

She smacked me and I flew and I landed as Jughead ran to Cheryl and helped her up as she cried.

"Archie..." Betty said

I said "Betty..."

I told Betty "she's gonna die, I'm killing her right now."

I ran and Betty flipped and kicked me.

I said "Betty..."

She shouted "think of Veronica! This is her friend!"

I frowned and dropped the stake as our mother took Cheryl to clean her up. We saw Veronica and she gasped seeing the person dead.

"Oh my god...where is she?" She asked.

Betty said "our mother has her..."

She began crying saying "my friend...she..."

I sighed and Veronica cried into her hands and Betty hugged her. She rubbed her back and she looked at me. Jughead walked over and rubbed her back and I walked over and grabbed her and held her as she cried.

She said "I want you to be human...I want everything to be normal..."

I frowned and held her head tightly and said "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

Bettys POV
I was with my mother as Cheryl said "I'm hideous...I'm ugly...why did this happen to me?"

I frowned and she said "why are you helping me?"

I smiled saying "because we know what you're going through...it's gonna be okay."

She frowned and said "my mother...my father I..."

I shook my head saying "who did this to you?"

She shrugged saying "I don't know...I just fell asleep..."

I frowned and she said "does Veronica hate me?"

I shook my head as I said "don't worry Cheryl we can help you, but do you want it?"

She nodded and I smiled.

She said "I'm scared."

I smiled saying "it's scary at first...but then you learn how to get through it. And you'll be able to be normal okay? It'll take time but you can do it."

She nodded and I smiled as she sniffled. That night my mother watched Cheryl as I went to Jugheads and Archie took care of Veronica.

"You okay?" I asked him.

He shrugged "everything is falling apart, and I feel helpless, it's like my girlfriend and her brother are vampires my best friend is a witch...my parents hate vampires. I feel like I'm the only one who can't do anything for anyone..." he cried out.

I frowned and held his hand and he said "I just...I just want to be with you...and not be scared everyday...that my parents will take you away from me."

I sighed and said "we need to live our lives Juggie...I didn't want this for you."

He asked "it won't get easier will it?"

I shook my head and he frowned.


I kissed him and he held my face.

I said "I'll turn you..."

He looked at me and I smiled.

"If...if something else happens...I'll turn you..."

He looked at me and I said "I won't let anyone take you from me...I won't let anyone take me from you."

He sighed and nodded. He kissed me and I held his face. He lifted me up and got me on the desk and set me down. I held his neck as he pulled down my pants and I pulled down his.

Veronica's POV
I was looking through more and more of the books as Archie came out of the bathroom and sat beside me as I looked through Dolores book.

"You know...it's surprising to be honest, I'm trying to figure out something and...check this out."

He sat next to me and I said "I was looking into what happened like with Reggie and his dad."

He nodded and I said "so this high frequency device works on any supernatural creature with enhanced hearing. Doesn't specify vampires."

He nodded and I said "what if Reggie's family isn't vampires but something else. What if he's...like a wolf? A merman?"

He laughed and I said "this town is creepy enough. I'm a witch your a vampire."

He sighed and said "I suppose but come on. Put your lame books down."

I scoffed and he laughed as I said "I think he's a wolf..."

He asked "now whats that?"

I said "wolfs have heightened senses just like vampires practically dogs you know?"

He nodded and I said "I think I'm gonna research more...he's aggressive, heightened, always mad and agitated."

He laughed saying "a human boy hmm?"

I laughed and kissed him.

I smirked saying "how about you take off your pants?"

He smiled and I laughed as I turned off my lamp.

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