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Bettys POV
"No...no...you died! I saw you be bit! You were dead!" Archie shouted being in denial.

I looked at Archie and our mother said "I know you two must be confused....but please...I'm not as strong as you...I...please let me explain..."

Archie grabbed her and held her against the wall "I saw you die! I saw you dead you died in my arms!"

He broke a chair and held the stake.

I shouted "no!"

I grabbed him and threw him away.

He said "Betty!"

I said "let her explain! Please..."

He sighed and I said "please Archie..."

He slowly let go of the stake and dropped it, I turned to my mother and she sat us down and sat in front of us.

"A week before eveything...I found out Forsyth was a vampire."

I gulped and she said "I confronted him...I saw the fear but I also saw the anger in his eyes, he told me to not say anything but he threatened me as well..."

I tightened my fist as she said "I figured out that he was a vampire because one morning whilst you were asleep Elizabeth...I went into your room, I saw a bite mark on your wrist. I pulled up your sleeve so your father wouldn't see...but I knew...and he told me to not tell anyone. I promised him...but as we know...that morning before anyone woke...I knew what was going to happen, your father was going to rid of the town of vampires. I thought he was stupid. But he didn't care...I saw Forsyth awake and I spoke to him, that day I asked him...if he could propose Elizabeth..."

I gulped as she said "I wanted you to be happy...no matter what, you we're turning 17 and I saw your smile shine everyday..."

I sniffled and said "but...what happened was he had noticed a few cuts on me...your father had beaten me the night before, Forsyth told me if I fed on his blood it would heal me...so I took it and it was only a bit. But even a bit makes a big difference...so when I died...I woke up a few hours later...I didn't realize what had happened. I went back home...I saw your father dead...I grabbed my things and left, then it came, the hunger, the worriment...I fed and...after a bit someone made me this bracelet...a witch...and I've been trying to find you ever since...and I heard recently the ancestors of the Andrews are home in Riverdale...I came and...I saw the parade...I saw the float...I saw you two...it...it felt like time didn't change...both my babies were happy, healthy...I was happy...I asked where you lived...now I'm here."

I looked at Archie and she said "I know it's difficult to believe but...but it's the truth...you two are my babies...I...I'm sorry..."

I looked at Archie and he ran upstairs.

I frowned and she said "I shouldn't have came...I should go..."

I grabbed her arm and she looked at me "mama..."

She smiled and I said "don't leave mama please...please don't leave...don't leave me again."

She held me and I cried as she rubbed my head.

She held my face and smiled "your still so beautiful..."

I smiled and she smiled too I said "wait here..."

She nodded and I ran upstairs and saw Archie in his room.

"Archie please...our mother is here!"

He frowned and said "I know...I just...I don't know what to say...I thought I killed her."

I frowned and hugged him and he held me.

Suddenly we heard "you didn't kill me."

We saw our mother and she walked in saying "you couldn't control what your father did...neither did I expect you too, I would've protected you either way...you are my son, and I hate the way your father treated you. I was guilty and felt shame...I would die again and again to protect you, to protect the both of you."

We smiled and she said "I have been trying to find you...now I have..."

We hugged her and she held us and I cried as she kissed my head.

As I changed later that night Jughead called me "hey..."

I smiled as he said "Cheryl's gotten a lot better thanks to you...thank you."

I said "she may be a bitch but she doesn't deserve to die."

He laughed and said "I love you..."

I smiled saying "get some sleep."

He groaned and I hung up laughing.

Suddenly I heard "Elizabeth..."

I turned seeing my mom smiling and she walked in and kissed my head as I looked in my mirror.

She said "was that a boy you were talking to? The boy on the float...he looked exactly like Forsyth."

I gulped and said "his name is Jughead, he's nothing like Forsyth, he's better, honest, kinder."

She smiled and brushed my hair like she used to.

I said "mama..."

She nodded and I said "I understand what love is now, before I didn't...now with him I truly do."

She smiled and said "please don't get hurt..."

I nodded and said "where were you while everything happened?"

She smiled saying "well I was in the woods when it happened, thankfully no one saw me."

I smiled and she smiled and I said "I'm happy your alive..."

She smiled and I said "I've always been...so upset because I never got the chance to say goodbye..."

She sighed and I said "I hated myself everyday..."

She stopped brushing my hair and set the brush down and looked at me.

She looked at me as I said "I felt like I was the worst daughter ever..."

She shook her head and said "Elizabeth any day any time I know you love me and I will die with that, I will live with it."

I frowned and said "I'm sorry..."

She hugged me and I cried saying "I'm so sorry mama..."

She held my head and I cried.

She said "no..."

She held my face and wiped my tears saying "you did nothing wrong, absolutely nothing."

I smiled and she said "come on..."

She brought me to bed my and got me in and held me. I held her as she rubbed my arms.

She said "go on, I'll be right here when you wake up. I promise."

I smiled and held my mother as she kissed my head. She soon began singing a lullaby anytime I felt hurt or I was in pain. I cried and held her tighter as she rubbed my arm and kissed my forehead and I soon closed my eyes and drifted on into sleep.

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