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Archie's POV
Hermione took Veronica aside as she was still in shock from everything.

Hiram said "thank you Archie...for protecting my daughter from them."

I nodded as he said "FP said that he's already cleaning up...what happened?"

I sighed and said "Betty and Jughead were there they shouted and Veronica was attacked...I couldn't let her get hurt...a child should not be hurt like that..."

He smiled and nodded as Veronica said "daddy...may I talk with Archie alone?"

He nodded and he left the room.

Veronica said "thank you for saving me..."

I said "well...I promised too. And you shouldn't have your life be taken and wasted...I know that first hand."

She smiled and said "I won't become one right?"

I shook my head saying "as long as you keep breathing for the next 24 hours you should be fine..."

She smiled and nodded and I said "don't worry I'll keep a close eye."

She smiled and hugged me.

I held her and she said "do you miss being human?"

I nodded and she pulled away saying "I promise I'll find a way to make you human."

I laughed saying "there's no such thing...for centuries Betty and I have looked."

She smirked saying "I promise, and I keep them."

I sighed and said "sure...if you can make it happen I'll marry you."

She laughed and I did too as she looked at me and kissed me.

I stopped her and she said "I'm sorry..."

I gulped "I just..."

I frowned and she looked at me "I'll see you around..."

She looked at me with a frown and I left and shut the door as I walked home I screamed and punched a tree as I winced seeing the splinters on my hand. I cried gently as I leaned my head against it and when I got home I saw Betty in her shorts and shirt and she saw me.


She saw my hand and I cried.

She said "oh Archie..."

She hugged me and I cried holding her.

Jugheads POV
I was at school as I saw Veronica looking upset as Cheryl and her friends laughed at her.

I sighed and said "knock it off Cheryl she's having a hard time."

She rolled her eyes as I said "come on..."

She then said "why don't you guys just marry each other already."

She walked off and Veronica said "I'm just upset..."

I was confused and she said "I just don't get it...I"

I was confused and she said "I kissed Archie a few days ago and he didn't like it..."

I asked "how come?"

She shrugged and I sighed saying "Betty has been very open with me, Archie is not like that."

She frowned and I said "but you should talk to him...I'm serious Veronica."

She smiled saying "or you can talk to him for me?"

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