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Jugheads POV
"Your kidding!" I shouted.

She shook her head and I kissed her, she kissed me back and giggled as my parents came in and I backed up onto my computer table as I sat on the folder.

My mom asked "we celebrating something?"

Betty laughed "it's almost Christmas and I've been with Juggie for almost four months."

She kissed my cheek and I laughed as my mom smiled at us.

"Betty why don't you stay for dinner? We enjoy having you."

She smiled and nodded saying "I would love to stay the night..."

Bettys POV
After dinner I was with Jughead in the bathroom.

I sighed and huffed as he said "you okay?"

I nodded and he said "stay the night..."

I smiled and frowned "I don't know..."

He held my face saying "one night."

I laughed and nodded and I went into my bag and had a vial of blood and he stopped me.

He said "hey! What did I say!"

I rolled my eyes saying "it's just for today..."

He huffed and I smiled. As I got his shirt on in the bathroom I pulled the vial out and opened it and drank the blood inside. I gulped and sighed gently texting Archie to make sure he didn't worry. Suddenly Jughead came in and locked the door.

"What did I say..." he told me again.

I frowned and said "fine...but we have to do this quick."

He smiled and I grabbed his wrist and bit into it. I drank his blood but as I did all of a sudden my throat burned and I gasped and held my throat and I coughed and held my mouth as I yelled and held my mouth as I coughed and hacked kneeling to the ground.

"Betty!" He shouted.

I coughed and heaved "v-vervain..."

I coughed and turned to the toilet and vomited.

I said "call Archie..."

I coughed and coughed as I threw up and it was more blood.

I cried as suddenly we heard "hey is everything okay?"

I panicked and as Jughead said "yeah mom...we're okay...Bettys just feeling unwell."

She suggested "oh...should I come in?"

He shouted "no! Umm...she just needs her special medicine...uhh her brother is coming...just let him in please!"

She said "okay. We will look out."

Jughead continued cleaning as I cried "I'm sorry..."

He shook his head holding my face "I'm sorry Betty..."

I cried saying "it hurts..."

He frowned and I coughed as he continued cleaning up.

I was on the bed as he set me carefully down and we heard the doorbell.

He said "I'll get him."

I nodded and he left. He came back and Archie locked the door.

He said "hell Betty your burnt..."

I cried and he bit his wrist and I grabbed it immediately and drank his blood. He held me and I took large gulps.

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