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Archies POV
I was with Veronica as we searched all of the possible things it can be.

"What do we do? What if we can't find it!"

Veronica sighed and said "we have to try...please..."

I frowned and we kept looking and she said "Archie...give me the spellbook."

I nodded and she shouted "now!?"

I grabbed it and gave it to her and she went through many different pages and read a few.

"Oh no..." she muttered.

I looked at her and she said "I thought I used the egg as the anchor but I didn't...I used a ghost..."

I rose my eyebrows as she said "I...what did we use in the spell? The egg, this book, Jugheads and Jedidiahs blood..."

I gulped saying "Forsyths journal..."

She then said "you don't think..."

I then said "well...I guess this would mean...he's back?"

Jugheads POV
"Finally we've had a normal summer..."

Betty laughed and kissed me and said "and in your parents Lake house?"

She smiled kicking her legs as she said "and doing it in your parents bed? Vampire Jughead is a lot more risk taking."

I laughed and kissed her she held my face saying "so how about skinny dipping?"

She laughed and ran out and I scoffed and ran after her. She jumped in the water and I smiled, she came to the surface and I came up as well as I kissed her.

She laughed and said "best summer ever!"

I laughed and she held my neck as I told her

"I love you..."

I smiled and she told me "I love you more. So now I say since school starts in a week or two we need to do as much as we can. So I say let's go to Paris, pack your bags Juggie."

I smirked and we kissed. As we washed up I held her and she laughed.

She said "I'm happy...finally it's normal, soon college..."

I smiled and kissed her forehead saying "I have my bag all packed."

She smirked and said "you know I can't wait to show you the beautiful sites in Paris, the beautiful and tasty baked goods, the Louvre Museum. They're greater things besides the Eiffel Tower."

I nodded and she laughed saying "I'm so happy...we finally can have this be something to enjoy."

I laughed saying "first parents..."

She groaned and said "my mom is busy training young vampires and-"

I spoke out "mines want to see me."

She huffed and said "fine, but I'm driving."

She smirked and left and I shook my head. We got to my house and had lunch as my mother said "this is what we've always wanted. Normal family lunch. Can we do dinner?"

Betty said "well. I wanted to take Jughead to Paris."

My parents rose their eyebrows and she said "before he takes the cure I want to show your son the world."

They smiled and my mom said "now that is true love, I will allow him as long as you two can enjoy it!"

I laughed and Betty did to as suddenly her phone rang.

She said "let me take this it's Archie."

She walked away and my mom said "so may we ask when will you take the cure?"

I gulped saying "once everything is finally sizzled down, because I really want to be human with Betty, we've learned from one of my ancestors that we can take the cure...the cure transfers from one person to another.

If they drink their blood. So we took the blood from him and put it back in the vile. So now if I drink this, Betty can drink my blood and we're both human."

They smiled and I said "and the cure you have will go to Archie."

She nodded and I smiled saying "I want this to be over too. But I also want to see the world..."

My mom and dad smiled and hugged me but suddenly Betty came back into the room.

She said "Juggie..."

I turned around seeing Betty looking panicked "we might have to delay our trip again..."

I groaned and she said "Veronica thought the egg was the anchor...it's not. It's something else. Well...someone else..."

I rose my eyebrows as she said "Forsyth..."

We were back at her place as she said "how could this happen I thought it was the egg!"

Veronica shouted "I thought so too! But it's not...we need to find him now and stop him..."

Archie said "we have no idea where he could be Betty!"

She groaned saying "1864, he died around there...where would they have put his body..."

Archie said "either they left the body to rot, or they burned the body."

Betty then said "where did they burn them?"

He replied "in the woods, underground in the slave quarters..."

Betty asked "did they all burn..."

Archie said "oh my god..."

He ran and Betty ran and Veronica said "go after them!"

I nodded and ran off. I was in the woods and I saw Betty and Archie as he dug a hole in the ground.

Betty looked at me "if he's alive..."

I said "hey...you love me..."

She nodded saying "I do Juggie..."

I gulped and she said "I love you more than anyone okay? Not buts."

I smiled and kissed her forehead.

Archie said "I hit it."

Betty and I helped him dig through as we opened a latch and went inside. We saw some ashes and sand and I gulped as I held Bettys hand in fear.

All of a sudden Archie said "oh my god..."

We looked and saw him...on the ground and Betty gasped.

She said "how did his body not burn?"

She grabbed his face and suddenly she pulled out a blood bag.

Archie said "no Betty!"

He grabbed it from her and he said "are you insane!?"

She shouted "we have to have a new anchor and we need to keep an eye on him!"

He shouted "no it's because you haven't seen him in so long your still in love with him!"

She shouted "no I'm not! But we need to figure out a way for him to get out of this mess!"

He shouted "this is the safest place we can have him!"

She said "no it's not!"

They began fighting for the bag as suddenly it popped and it bursted on the three of us.

She groaned saying "look what you've done!"

She ran out and he sighed.

I said "let me talk to her..."

He nodded and I left.

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