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Jugheads POV
It's been a few days and Beatrice has been trying to teach Forsyth to teach Veronica the spell. Betty and I got to hers with my bike. We all were there.

As Veronica set up her stuff Archie asked Forsyth

"You sure about this?"

He nodded saying "yes, it's the only way."

We nodded and he gasped and said "oh my god...it's happening..."

We looked at him and he gulped saying "the other side is going down...quicker than we thought..."

He gasped again and we stared at him as he passed out.

Forsyths POV
I was on the Other Side as I saw Mrs Andrews.

I said "Mrs Andrews..."

She said "it's coming apart...slowly but surely I'm seeing people being taken."

I told her "don't worry, we're gonna get them all back."

And then I heard "with help by me."

I saw Beatrice and rolled my eyes and Mrs Andrews rolled her eyes.

"I'm surprised, I look exactly like your daughter and nothing?" She questioned.

She sighed and held my hands "tell Elizabeth I was able to find my peace, tell both Elizabeth and Archibald."

I asked "how?"

She then said "the wind only takes the ones who have not found it...but I have...I'm staying here...I've seen Elizabeth and Archibald be happy, I see Elizabeth happy with Jughead and Archibald with Veronica. All I wanted was my goodbyes, and to see them happy..."

I gulped and she smiled at me saying "tell them please."

I nodded and looked at Beatrice as she said "Jedidiahs human...does that mean...I found peace I want to see him..."

Mrs Andrews smiled "the wind won't take you away, only if you have vengeance."

I smiled at them and said "goodbye Mrs Andrews..."

She nodded and I smiled as I returned back and saw them all.

I said "your mother and Beatrice...they've found peace..."

They looked at us and I said "you don't need to bring them back...the other side destroys the people who seek vengeance..."

They looked at me and I smiled "your mother said...she's found it...she's seen you two happy... that's her peace...Beatrice wants to see Jedidiah who is already at peace...I've found my peace as well..."

They looked at me and I held Elizabeth's hands and smiled at her. She stared at me and I smiled at her and held her face.

"I've found my peace...I got to see you fall in love again...with someone...that although I'm jealous of, I trust...and you're happy."

She smiled at me and I smiled at her saying "you are happy...that's all I ever wanted."

I frowned and said "I want to be alone..."

They stared at me and I went down to the basement. I closed my eyes and opened them as I appeared on the other side. I saw everything happening on the Other Side and smiled.

I said "oh Elizabeth...I love you...thank you..."

I sighed and closed my eyes and nodded saying "I found...peace."

Bettys POV
I looked at all of them as I gulped and said "what's happening..."

We all looked at one another as I said "Forsyth..."

I ran downstairs and saw him and he saw me and smiled gently.

He said "goodbye...Elizabeth. I love you."

I opened the cell and grabbed his face and couldn't feel him.

I frowned and he smiled and said "take the cure..."

He smiled and I admitted "I never stopped loving you...I could never...but I was able to find someone I love more..."

He smiled and I laughed said "goodbye...Forsyth..."

He smiled and held my hand and said "maybe in another life...I will see you again. My Elizabeth..."

I gulped and suddenly he disappeared and I frowned and smiled gently as I felt a tear leave my eye.

I closed my eyes and said "goodbye..."

I sniffled and got up as I quickly wiped underneath my eyes and turned around seeing Jughead and he frowned as he hugged me.

I held him as he frowned and I said "don't be jealous...I love you."

I kissed him and he laughed and said "I get it, you love him...you'll always love him. But I'm gonna be your forever."

I laughed and kissed him as I lifted my legs up and laughed holding him as I saw Archie and hugged him.

He held me and rubbed my back and said "I guess this is it, it's over huh?"

I nodded and smiled gently as Archie said "well...I can't believe it's finally over..."

I nodded saying "but who was the wolf who kill our mother?"

He sighed and Veronica said "it has to be Reggie... he's the only one who didn't come to the party...who doesn't like silver..."

I sighed and said "I don't care...I just want to get over this, I want to be happy, I want to...I want to celebrate this. Now that it's all over, mom, Forsyth, all of them have found peace..."

I smiled and saw Kevin and said "I want to take my best guy friend out with my boyfriend. I want us to celebrate."

I took them to Pops and Pops smiled taking our orders. I enjoyed Kevin and Jughead being able to get along, it was thrilling and exciting.

As Jughead went to the bathroom Kevin said "so now that everything is over...are you gonna take the cure?"

I nodded at him and he smiled at me.

I frowned saying "but I don't know...I still feel like it's not time yet..."

He looked at me saying "when will it be time?"

I shrugged and he said "do what makes you happy, not what makes him happy."

I nodded and he smiled and Jughead came back.

He said "I'm starving, hey Pops get us another number 5!"

I laughed and he did too and kissed me and I kissed him back. He continued drinking his milkshake as Kevin smiled at me and I smiled back turning my attention to Jughead again.

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