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Elizabeth's POV
I smiled as I did my hair. I followed my mamas exact rules as you would do the night before. I enjoy getting ready this way, it reminds me of all the good times. As I finished Archibald came in tying up my corset tightly. I smiled as he helped me with my dress and I smiled looking at him as he finished it up and he smiled at me.

I said "now I remember why they stopped using these corsets, they're a pain in the butt."

He laughed and said "but you always did look beautiful like this...mother would've said, my baby is growing up too fast."

I smiled and he smiled as I said "you do not look bad yourself."

I fixed his collar and he laughed as I said "founders day...we dress like how we did."

He smiled and I said "have you found the device?"

He shook his head saying "Mr Jones is keeping the information private. But he says it's in a safe place."

I nodded saying "we must find it soon then."

He agreed and I said "my dear brother will you escort me to see Jughead?"

He smiled and held my arm as we left as I walked with Archibald we looked around looking for Veronica and Jughead. We spotted Veronica as she waved at us.

He said "I must get on the float soon."

I laughed saying "and I find it funny."

He smirked asking me "would you like to be on it with us?"

I laughed saying "I would love too but it's fine."

He smiled and I smiled as he said "I wonder how Forsyth will look."

I shoved him as he laughed and I said "Juggie will look cute, he's not Forsyth."

He smirked and looked behind me and laughed.

"You sure?" He asked me.

I turned around seeing Jughead in clothing that reminded me of him...but I knew deep down it was not. He smirked coming up to me and he held my hand and kissed it.

I blushed and laughed as he smirked.

"My love..."

I pulled him and kissed him and he held my waist.

He asked "so this is how you dressed all the time?"

I nodded and said "now I know why I hate this, the corset."

Archie then said "hey, my sister is to not be touched there."

I laughed saying "he was like this with every boy in 1863."

Jughead laughed and Archie said "hey all boys are scums and now I have a float to be on."

He walked off and Jughead said "well I think you look sexy."

I laughed at him as he said "do I look like him?"

I nodded but said "you...there's something different...and I like it."

He smiled and I smiled back.

But all of a sudden Veronica said "you guys are on the float, hurry!"

I panicked and she grabbed both Jughead and I and we ran. They set us on the float quickly and fixed our outfits.

I scoffed as I said "but I didn't run!"

Veronica said "you were the first, besides Cheryl was my runner up but is sick so I thought you were a beautiful next choice, no offense to the other runner ups..."

I smiled and she said "you deserve it."

I laughed and Jughead said "alright..."

I smiled and we got on the float. As we were on the float going around.

I looked at Jughead as he said "live the moment... you deserve it."

I smiled and kissed him, I held his face and laughed and he smiled holding me as the parade continued. Once it was all over Archie and I were at home as he undid the dress.

"Goddam my younger self was a goddess for doing this all the time."

I laughed and he got it off as I changed.

He said "I have to go see what the council wants. But stay near okay?"

I nodded and he ran as I tried to get new clothes on. I got back to Jughead and he was changed too.

"Finally your changed, I didn't like it when you looked like...you know."

He nodded saying "well I'm Jughead."

I laughed and kissed him as he kissed me back.

We saw Veronica was she said "hey guys my parents are telling us to go home?"

I was confused saying "but we just started having fun."

Veronica said "my mom and dad said for the kids to go home, I dunno why. I'm going with Reggie he has a car. You guys need a ride?"

Jughead said "I've got my bike no worries."

He nodded and we began getting on his bike and began leaving. As Jughead started up his bike.

I said "Archie...where's Archie?" I asked him.

Archie's POV
I was at the Blossoms as suddenly I saw Clifford Blossom there and I saw him with my pocket watch and Betty's box.

"Clifford what are you doing?" I asked.

He smirked saying "my brother is an idiot, he was never meant to be a true man, he's a wimp. And I've seen you, your sister..."

I said "if you're not Clifford..."

He smirked saying "I'm Claudius."

I said "you can't touch that."

He said "yeah...they didn't want too but we must in order to be rid of these monsters, but like I said I already know what you are."

I gulped and he set the whole contraption down and suddenly I heard this loud frequency, I groaned and held my head as he smirked.

I winced saying "why..."

He then said "the town has had one of you under there noses all along."

I told him "I'll kill you."

He shrugged "you'll be killed first and no one will know it."

He smiled and grabbed me as I winced holding my head tightly, all of a sudden he injected me with vervain and I groaned as he dragged me off.

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