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Bettys POV
"Now look, you're gonna have to learn how to control your hunger."

Cheryl groaned saying "why can't I just eat people?"

I crossed my arms and she frowned.

I said "look please take this seriously, or you'll get killed."

She sighed and said "why do you even want to help me? I've been a bitch to you and your hobo boyfriend."

I sighed and bit my bottom lip saying "because I know what you're going through..."

She nodded and I said "so...you just have to train yourself."

She looked at her ring and said "it's ugly."

I then said "either you wear that or you never leave in the day."

She rolled her eyes as I tried teaching her all this crap.

Veronica's POV
I was looking deeper into my theory as Jughead looked behind me as he ate popcorn.

"Why don't you go hang out with Betty?" He said.

"She's on Cheryl duty."

I sighed and he said "so Reggie might be a wolf? How..."

I said "the night of the vampire takedown he was complaining about this sound making us crash. He's been having random fights now with like any guy at school and he's like serious..."

He sighed and I said "I want to rest out my theory but I don't know how, and Mr Mantle also was like this, Archie told me he wasn't affected by vervain but was in the whole trailer..."

I gulped and Jughead said "we have to test out your theory then."

I asked "but how? Betty's on Cheryl duty, their mother is finding the cure...and Archie..."

He smirked saying "ahhh, you don't want Archie hurt."

I glared at him and said "according to some books I borrowed from the library. There are some old like Indigenous books about the Aztecs. They used to document there whole lives and I think I understand it, both vampires and werewolves are like sworn enemies. But they were destroying their home so they put a curse on them."

Jughead replied "is that why Betty can't be in the sun."

I smirked and nodded as he nodded.

I said "so yeah and wolves only turn on a full moon, they can't control it. So they hunt their prey of choice."

He rose his eyebrows and I said "vampires hunted them to extinction, a bite from them...can kill them."

His face dropped and I gulped and he said "we have to warn them. Now!"

I nodded and we left.

I found Archie at his place and he said "Veronica?"

I gulped saying "you're in trouble if I think what this is...is true."

He nodded and I said "Reggie might be a werewolf, and if he is well tonight is a full moon and well you and Betty are both vampires so you both need to be on high alert because...a bite from them can kill you."

He gulped and said "crap..."

I nodded and he said "I need to warn Betty."

I told him "Jugheads already on that."

As I flipped through more pages all of a sudden I saw a photo of Jughead.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

Archie looked at it and said "it's Forsyth..."

I asked "why is he in this book?"

We looked at it and I said "doppelgänger?"

I looked at him and he said "I guess Dolores did research on a lot of things..."

I gulped and he said "come on we should go look for the both of them."

Bettys POV
I was with Cheryl as she said "okay...I think I'm starting to have a bit more control..."

I nodded saying "that's good..."

She said "but I'm still nervous."

I told her "don't worry it's okay alright? When you want to feed you have to breathe, you have to push through it, I do it...everyday with Jughead."

She asked "is he a vampire?"

I laughed and shook my head "have you...have you ever wanted to hurt him?"

I gulped and nodded "how did you push through?"

I said "I couldn't...and I showed him sides of me that...I wish I hadn't. But he didn't allow me...to leave him. And I'm so happy I didn't...cause now...I can be myself with someone I love."

She nodded and I said "you have to protect the people you love most...and I will protect him..."

She nodded and suddenly my phone rang.

"Yes Juggie?"

Suddenly he said "we've been thinking that Reggie is a wolf! His bite can kill you you need to get out of there with Cheryl!"

I gulped and hung up as I said "we need to go like now."

She nodded and I said "you get your first running lesson of the day."

She squealed and we ran back to my place.

When we got back I said "stay here."

She nodded and I sighed gently saying "you need to learn how to be this way..."

She said "there's no tutorial idiot."

I crossed my arms and I said "I can stake you right now."

She glared at me and I said "I'll do it."

She laughed and I shoved my hand inside her and she gasped.

I said "you idiot."

She said "don't kill me please..."

I pulled my hand out and she gasped as I poured her some blood and she grabbed it.

I said "you have to stop acting all rude and obnoxious...you need to control yourself..."

She frowned saying "it's just...my whole life is different and I'm scared that everything will change especially my friendships..."

I said "don't worry..."

I held her hands and I said "my first time trying to handle this was difficult too, but you must control yourself."

She smiled at me and I said "like I said, even now it's still difficult not wanting the people you love to get hurt...I look at Jughead and...I don't want him to get hurt same for you and all your friends."

She nodded and I smiled and hugged her.

I told her "so just calm down..."

She nodded and I smiled saying "alright...I think you can be at home now."

She smiled and smirked saying "don't I need to be invited in?"

I gulped and said "crap..."

She frowned and I went walking with her. We got there and I rang the doorbell and Nana Blossom answered.

"We are so sorry Cheryl forgot her keys-"

She said "enough excuses just get in here you two."

I smiled walking in and she slowly stepped inside and smiled and I smiled back at her.

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