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Jugheads POV
I looked at Betty and she said "she's gone..."

I sighed and she held me and I held her as she cried and screamed into my shoulder.

I held her head as she said "my mom...my..."

I frowned and said "hey...it's okay..."

She cried and I looked at her and held her face "it's gonna be okay alright?"

She frowned and I said "let me take you to mine for the rest of the day? Archie said he's gonna bury her."

She nodded and said "I just...I just wanna be with you right now..."

I nodded and we left her place. We were at mine as she sat on the couch and my parents looked at her.

"Give her a break okay? She's...she's not in a good headspace." I told them.

They nodded and I smiled and went over saying "you want more tea?"

She smiled and shook her head saying "I'm just..."

She frowned and said "I don't know what to feel..."

I sighed and said "it's gonna be okay alright?"

She nodded and said "I just...I want to try and get over this slowly..."

She kissed me and I kissed her back.

She smiled saying "I'm tired I'm gonna go lie down."

She went upstairs and I sighed as I went to my mom.

"Mom can you talk to her?" I asked.

She sighed and nodded saying "I suppose..."

Bettys POV
I was smiling looking at photos of me and my mom. I smiled as suddenly the door was knocked on and I saw Jugheads mom.

"Hi Mrs Jones..."

She smiled and sat next to me and looked at my phone.

"She's beautiful...I see where you get your looks from." She complimented.

I laughed and she smiled and I frowned "she's gone now..."

She then said "but is that not a good thing?"

I then said "she died without peace...she's not in heaven Mrs Jones..."

She frowned and I did too.

"She's not gonna see me graduate...she's not gonna see me...have kids when I take the cure...how am I gonna do it without her?"

She sighed and held my hands smiling "I may not be your mother, but I am a mother. And I don't want you to feel like this Betty...seeing you hurt makes me hurt...I love you being apart of my family...you make Jughead happy, which makes me happy. But I don't like seeing you like this either. I will be there when you graduate, I will be there if one day you have children of your own. You're never going to be alone in anything anymore, because you have us. You have us as your family."

I smiled and hugged her and cried as she held my head.

I said "my mom would've loved you..."

She laughed and rubbed my head as I cried and she held me tighter. That day I was with Archie as we buried mom in her empty grave I smiled and held his arm.

He said "she's can finally be somewhat at peace..."

I sniffled and he smirked saying "I also brought someone special..."

I was confused and suddenly heard "Betty?"

I turned around seeing Kevin, he smiled and I smiled and ran and hugged him.

He held me and I cried as he said "I've got you...it's okay..."

I sniffled and he rubbed my back and I said "I want my mom to find peace...I want to take down the other side..."

Archie rose his eyebrows and I said "mom deserves peace...Forsyth does too...they shouldn't be in this limbo place. They need to die happily."

Archie nodded and said "I'll call Veronica, see what she can find."

I nodded and he smiled and left and I hugged Kevin.

He frowned saying "I'm sorry Betty..."

I shook my head saying "my best friend is here with me..."

He smiled and I said "also...Forsyth and Jughead are now alive..."

He scoffed saying "oh I've gotta see this."

I laughed and we ran. As we were in my house he stared at us and sighed.

Kevin said "he's exactly the striking image of Jughead..."

He said "he's the striking image of me idiot."

We sighed and he rumbled and said "oh no..."

We looked at him and he panicked saying "the other side..."

I was confused and he said "I told you it's being destroyed!"

I gulped and he said "if we don't save it all the people there are hurt, your mom, me. Others. But also all the people you guys have killed..."

I gulped and he said "you have to take the risk Elizabeth please..."

I sighed and nodded saying "yes I'll try it...I promise."

He said "thank you..."

He sighed and I said "we need Veronica to get thinking faster."

I got Forsyth out and we went upstairs. All of a sudden he gasped as he pointed.

He said "Elizabeth...you...Beatrice?"

I looked at him and rose my eyebrows.

He said "woah...the legends true. We are meant to be together...."

I gulped and said "that's it! We can use Veronica as a witch who's alive but one who's also on the Other side! Ask her Forsyth!"

He then said "she'll do it...she misses... Jedidiah..."

I frowned and said "oh..."

He looked at me and I said "long story, like you said, we're destined to be together but we're like Romeo and Juliet."

He nodded and said "she'll help us."

I smiled and he said "can we trust her?"

I said "she's doing this for love."

He then said "we all are..."

I smiled and he said "she will give us the spell so we can do it."

I nodded and he said "call your friend Veronica."

I nodded and pulled out my phone and put it to my ear and began calling Archie and he soon answered.

I sighed in relief "come over, we have an idea..."

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