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Bettys POV
Jughead has been trying to help me survive, he's trying to help me live...he's trying to help me stay safe and feel alive. To be happy like I always have wanted...going to Pops once a day as we tried being a normal couple, for right now no cure, I'm trying to stay sane, I'm trying to stay happy. We were at his as he kissed me and held my hand.

He said "you know...you being a vampire turns me on, but show me your eyes."

I laughed saying "what this?"

My eyes changed and he kissed me.

I laughed and turned us and looked at him "I find you even more beautiful like that."

I smirked saying "god I can't get enough of you."

He laughed but suddenly we heard a knock. I stopped and sat down as we saw his dad come in.

"You kids okay?" He asked.

We nodded as he said "well you kids should be studying after school more."

He walked away and I laughed and Jughead did too.

He said "let's cut it short hmm?"

I nodded saying "I've gotta head to Veronica's, she wants me to help her design a float for the founders day parade and with my knowledge of history she wants my help but don't worry...tonight I'm all yours..."

I touched above his pants and he said "god your such a tease..."

He kissed me and I laughed and kissed him back and left. As I was at Pops with Veronica we were designing the float.

She said "what made the first Founders Day Betty?"

I smiled and said "well...it was to honor the founding families but we know how that turned out..."

She nodded and said "what else?"

I smiled saying "my family was a well respected family, we uhh...we made the founders day ball happen, more like my father. But my mother never cared for the attention, she wanted us to be an honorable, trust worthy, noble family. But it's all about respect, it doesn't matter what social class your in but that the town comes together...to celebrate the hardships, the sadness and determination we wanted to have to get through everyday."

She smiled and I smiled back as she said "do you ever think about turning Jughead?"

I looked at her and said "he's asked me."

She rose her eyebrows "really?"

I nodded and she said "are you gonna do it?"

I smiled and looked at my ring saying "I love Jughead so much...more than I can express but...he's seen what I have to go through and I don't want him to go through what I had to go through and have to go through. But...if we can't find a cure and he truly wants to make this lifelong decision...I will do it, I'll get him through it. I'll do everything...I love him. I'll turn him and...show him the whole world like I saw it. All the good parts to forget the bad parts."

She smiled saying "you really love him."

I sighed and said "he showed me truly...what love feels like, trust, faith...all of it."

She smiled and I smiled as I said "if I could I would turn him into a heartbeat to be with him...I want him...I wish I could do it right now. I wish I could give him my blood and then have it be...but it's his decision and his time."

She nodded and I said "sorry..."

She shook her head saying "I actually want to show you something."

She pulled out her spellbook and came to my side.

She said "I was looking through all of the spellbooks you had and my mother had. I found this one spellbook of everything Dolores ever created."

I rose my eyebrows as she said "at the time the people here were stupid and didn't know how to actually design anything so she kinda spelled everything they ever made. Like your rings, and different devices. Like this watch, and other devices but one that caught my eye while reading is this one device. It submits a frequency only vampires can hear. She couldn't stand seeing innocent people be killed cause of vampires so she created this to protect people."

I gulped and she said "I wanted to show Archie but you're here so..."

I sighed and texted the things to Archie saying "I'll have him look into it, do you mind if I take this to him?"

She shook her head "I'll get some of my girlfriends to help or Jughead even."

I nodded saying "thank you."

She nodded and I left.

When I got home Archie groaned and rubbed his head trying to comprehend herself.

He said "okay...we need to make sure they don't find this."

I nodded and he said "I think I saw this in fathers... old things."

I looked at him and he said "yes! Yes! Right after you left father was preparing something in his room. I saw it, he never told me what it was but...but this device...not only was he gonna use it on the vampires...he was gonna going to be able to capture all of them, any vampire in Riverdale will hear this and be taken. It came into pieces, a musical box and some pocket watch...your musical box...and my pocket watch."

I scoffed and he said "but...I think I saw these at the Blossoms, as founder artifacts..."

I gulped and said "Archie if they use this on us we're..."

He held my shoulders saying "hey...we're not gonna think about that. I'm gonna protect us okay?"

I nodded and he said "I'm not letting anything happen to us, to you."

I nodded and I hugged him and he rubbed my back and kissed my head.

He said "I promise we're gonna be okay."

That night as I was getting ready for bed I stared at the pages and groaned and Jughead called me.

"Hey..." I told him.

He said "you okay?"

I smiled saying "yeah, just working. You?"

He said "about to sleep just wanted to say goodnight."

I smiled and said "I love you Jughead...no matter what happens."

He told me "I love you Betty."

I smiled and frowned and ran from my room. I got to his house and opened his window and was in his room. He saw me and I began crying.

He said "hey..."

I sniffled and he held me.

I cried saying "I love you Jughead..."

He smiled and he kissed my forehead as I held him and sniffled as he tried calming me down.

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