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Veronica's POV
I stared at the cure Archie held and rubbed his shoulders.

He sighed and said "I don't know what to do...I want to take it. But I'm scared..."

I frowned and held his hand "Archie...you don't have to do..."

I sighed and he said "I think about this, and I think about being human, I don't want to be that scared boy, the scared son anymore. I want to be with you because I'm happy, I don't want to be scared of my own happiness..."

I smiled and said "we take it one day at a time...you can attend my graduating, you can come with me to New York, help me move into a dorm. Or even then...we can go and move into somewhere nice. You and me, we can do this together. You can get whatever job you want...do what makes you happy and I'll do what I want. Sure their will be bumps in the road but the way we get through them is what matters most. I don't care what hardships we have to go through, I don't care about all of that, I will be able to see what you have to deal with and the other way around. We can get through it together no matter what. I understand you have your own problems, I have my own. But how we get through together is what matters Archiekins...human or not human, vampire or not, witch or not."

He laughed and I did too saying "I'm always gonna be here for you no matter what because I love you..."

He smiled and I smiled back and he said "I'll do it...I want to be human..."

I laughed and he held my arms and then my face.

"I want to be your boyfriend, your real human boyfriend, husband, father of your kids...I want it all with you...I want to see that day you walk down the aisle, I put a ring on your finger, I want to see all of that...and I want to see it with you. Only you..."

I smiled and kissed him and he held me tightly.

I said "I love you..."

He told me "I love you more."

I laughed and he looked at the cure and opened it.

He sighed and said "this is for my mother..."

I smiled and he drank it and stopped and groaned and set it down.

He looked at me and I asked "feel okay? Different?"

He gulped saying "I feel a bit queasy, a bit weird..."

He gulped and I rubbed his arm.

He groaned and said "and a little lightheaded..."

I grabbed the chair and got him down and I pushed him onto his bed and held his arm and rubbed his hand. After a few minutes he blinked his eyes and coughed. I stared at him and he groaned and sat up, I gulped and rubbed his arm as he looked at me.

He said "I feel..."

I smiled saying "do you feel okay?"

He gulped and I grabbed my blade and cut his hand, he winced and the cut didn't heal and I smiled and looked at him, he laughed and got up and tried running but nothing.

He stopped and looked at me.


I smiled and he smiled back.

I cried saying "you're..."

He laughed and I held him tightly and he lifted me up and spun me around as he set me down gently. I cried holding his face and laughed through my tears.

"You're human..."

He smiled and nodded as I cried holding him.

I said "I can't believe it...you're human..."

He smiled and said "I'm human..."

I kissed him and he kissed me back. "

"I love you..." he told me.

I told him "I love you..."

I sniffled and held his face.

"I just can't believe it...your human..."

Archies POV
I waited for Betty to come home from her date. As she walked through the door I saw her and she saw

I smiled telling her "I took the cure..."

She looked at me and I said "I'm human..."

She smiled and she hugged me.

I held her and cried as she said "this is amazing..."

I nodded and she said "congrats Archie..."

I sighed and she frowned "you and Jughead now..."

I nodded and she said "now it's just me left..."

I nodded and she said "I'm ready...but I'm scared..."

I frowned and she said "I just want to do it at the right time..."

I nodded and she said "I'm scared..."

I sighed and she said "I want to grow up, do all these amazing things with Jughead but...I don't want to loose it if it doesn't work..."

I smiled saying "remember Betty...Beatrice and Jedidiah. They told us your shadows selves were destined to be together, mortal versions...you two can be together."

I smiled and she smiled back saying "I know...I just hope we will be okay."

I smiled saying "become a human Betty...I'm happy with what I did. Now I get to be with Veronica forever...forever doesn't mean to be immortal, forever means to love them forever...mentally and emotionally."

I smiled and she smiled saying "I wish mother could see us..."

I then said "she's found peace...seeing us happy..."

She nodded and I said "give her that...you need to graduate, live your life...become human..."

She nodded and I said "love Jughead, live your life with him, marry him, have children...do all of it. Do everything that little Elizabeth back from 1846 wanted to do...what she dreamed of doing, for her mother. To make yourself and her happy."

She nodded and smiled and I smiled back and kissed her head and hugged her tightly as she cried holding me.

I rubbed her back as I said "it's time for us to finally have our happy ending...even if we didn't think it was what we thought it would be...this is right."

She nodded and I looked at her saying "now go and run to the boy of your dreams." 

She laughed and ran leaving me as I sighed and smiled.

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