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Archie's POV
I was in New York as I tried looking for her.

As I went into a bar I suddenly heard "heard about that weird attack, vampires are being suspected as if we're in some kind of T.V show."

I smirked gently and continued walking I made it to a stripper bar but I was stopped.

They said "only the boss allows people in."

I laughed until they went inside and brought out Betty.

"Oh! It's my brother! Come on in Archie!"

She squeezed my cheek and walked back in. I followed her inside seeing strippers with bite marks all on them.

She smiled saying "you get both the pleasure everyday."

She smirked and I sighed as she bit a guys wrist.

She smiled saying "you can take a girl."

A girl walked over to me and sliced her wrist.

I sighed and said "this isn't you Betty."

She laughed saying "it is, the cool fun me!"

She laughed and I grabbed the girls wrist and bit her.

Betty smiled "see, always hungry, want some liquor?"

She gave me a bottle and walked off "I came to take you home."

She said "nah..."

I said "Betty...look at yourself...this isn't you just tell me what happened."

She sighed and said "I'm better off, I got my own little blood bags."

She laughed and bit another in the neck.

She said "vervain free no one's gonna kill me in New York."

She laughed and bit him again.

I said "what happened."

She sighed and sat down and patted the seat next to her.

She smiled telling me "well, it all happened cause Jughead was upset that he never got to show that he was upset, I started feeling bad and I started pulling the whole Juggie crap. He of course got even more mad because I didn't know how to react, he was saying he wanted to show his expressions of emotions and worry but I was a bitch and never let him."

I gulped and she said "so then I tried to explain I didn't understand and I was sorry all of a sudden he said I was fucking Forsyth, right there oh did I want to rip his throat right out. Which is why we had the whole argument, he asked me if it was true that I wanted to rip him to shreds and I said yes but I love him...guess loving someone again especially Jones will always be my weakness, my mistake."

I gulped and she said "but I'm better. Now I want you to leave so I can be happy, he said that you always are there for me to not mess up. You're always there to save me, our mother is back and I'm happy but he said I'm 15 again. It doesn't matter....I need to be myself."

I said "this isn't yourself! Your happy with me with our mother with Jughead...come home please..."

She smiled and said "now Archie..."

She held my hand and she broke my arm and threw me out.

"Leave and don't come back. You can tell Jughead, I've grown all up."

She smiled and walked away. When I got home Veronica was there waiting.

I said "she's not coming home..."

She said "but...but we have to get her back."

I sighed and said "I need to leave."

She grabbed my hands saying "no. Not you're not leaving me."

I sighed and said "I need to be there for my little sister Veronica...I can't leave her alone. She's my baby sister..."

She frowned and I said "I'm sorry but my love for my sister has been there for now over a hundred years...almost two hundred...I...my love for her will always be strong...she's my family...I have to protect her."

She frowned and said "you're not leaving...if you are so will I."

I laughed and she said "my family used to live in New York before here."

She sighed and I said "no."

She said "I don't care."

She said "I'm telling Jughead."

I grabbed her arm but my head began hurting.

I groaned and winced as she said "we're gonna save her."

She ran out and I groaned and slammed the floor.

Jugheads POV
I was reading in my room when Veronica suddenly rushed in my room.

"We have to go to New York. Start packing!"

I asked "what why?"

She said "Betty..."

I sighed and she said "please Jughead...if not Archie will leave me...please I love him..."

I frowned and said "I'm sorry Veronica, but she made her choice."

She said "your an idiot! She's hurting because of you! She's doing this because you hurt her!"

I yelled "she hurt me too! God why can't anyone realize that!"

She shouted "I do! But you have to look at what's wrong too..."

I sighed and she said "Archie told me she turned off her humanity, she's no longer herself, she hates herself because what she did to you but she just doesn't want to feel it...please..."

I sighed and said "no..."

She said "come on...Jughead please..."

I shook my head and she said "fine, but you may be the only thing that can bring her back, you just signed all of New York a possible death wish."

She left and I groaned as she left. As the hours went by my mom came into my room.

"You okay?" She asked.

I said "I just...I don't know what to do...I love her mom..."

I cried and she held me and said "I know your heart is broken but...you need to see both the good and the bad, every relationship has bumps...but you have to get through them to be happy, do you really think your father and I are happy 24/7?"

I sighed and she said "do what makes you happy..."

I sniffled and nodded saying "okay...okay..."

She smiled and I said "I need to go and see her."

She nodded and I left.

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